EDIT: Thread Title changed
Native son returns home to lead wandering organization to glory.
Is the king of the state- Bill Moos, Hank Bounds, Regents, etc work for him, not the other way around. Don’t fool yourself for one second thinking he doesn’t call EVERY shot in the program.
I bring this up because of the discussion of his chew habit. It doesn’t matter what you think of the brand, what Bounds thinks of the narrative, or whether Moos wishes he is doing it or not. If F’ing HCSF wants to pound a pack of Red Man during a televised game, he’s going to do so. If HCSF wants to light up a Marlboro and blow smoke while calling plays you sure as hell believe he’s going to be allowed to. He could laugh in the face of Moos, Bounds, whoever he’d want right now and do as he pleases. Those who think otherwise can kiss his red blooded western Nebraska ass.
It’s the Wood River, Western Nebraska way and I’m damn well pleased. Grit, guts, glory, hallelujah. Good times are back fellas and HCSF isn’t going to let any snowflakes tell him otherwise. Hip-hip-hooray chew sales just jumped 1000% in the great state of Nebraska.
Go Big Red train is geared back to glory and you better get on board or get off now. GBR
Native son returns home to lead wandering organization to glory.
Is the king of the state- Bill Moos, Hank Bounds, Regents, etc work for him, not the other way around. Don’t fool yourself for one second thinking he doesn’t call EVERY shot in the program.
I bring this up because of the discussion of his chew habit. It doesn’t matter what you think of the brand, what Bounds thinks of the narrative, or whether Moos wishes he is doing it or not. If F’ing HCSF wants to pound a pack of Red Man during a televised game, he’s going to do so. If HCSF wants to light up a Marlboro and blow smoke while calling plays you sure as hell believe he’s going to be allowed to. He could laugh in the face of Moos, Bounds, whoever he’d want right now and do as he pleases. Those who think otherwise can kiss his red blooded western Nebraska ass.
It’s the Wood River, Western Nebraska way and I’m damn well pleased. Grit, guts, glory, hallelujah. Good times are back fellas and HCSF isn’t going to let any snowflakes tell him otherwise. Hip-hip-hooray chew sales just jumped 1000% in the great state of Nebraska.
Go Big Red train is geared back to glory and you better get on board or get off now. GBR
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