I didn't say he was a criminal, I said he has the same sort of mindset.Wow...I don't even know where to start with you. What he is doing is the exact opposite of criminal. He is more like when the FBI went after Al Capone. The SEC is breaking every rule in the book but have it down to such a science that they can't be prosecuted.
Yeah, Yeah...no program is completely clean...but there is a major difference between a non-sanctioned booster buying a kid dinner and and a coach arranging for a new car and a bag of cash arriving at a recruits house. There is also a difference between a kid showing up for a visit and being giving an academic presentation vs. being shown a bed with two coeds in it.
What Harbaugh is doing is trying to combat the blatant illegal tactics of the SEC mafia. He reads the rule book. He is the good guy who bends but not breaks the rules because he has morals...you are kind of way off base.
Let me give you an example.. have you ever gotten one of those long elaborate spam emails? Have you ever wondered how these crooks cook these sort of things up? That's what I'm talking about. It's the same kind of mindset.