That was embarrassing to even watch.
That was embarrassing to even watch.
Try and follow along. That is EXACTLY what these losers are doing.I don`t see a problem with it as long as the adults are not obstructing the kids from getting signatures first
It looked like about 20 kids and the rest adults.
In fairness, I know a few youth pastors at churches that are some of the "adults" that are mentioned here. They show up to get autographs and sell them at our church auctions to raise money for youth mission trips. So there are reasons for some of them to be there. I agree that if you are selling stuff on ebay you need to get a life, but most people aren't in that category.
YesSo Vandy says everyone of all ages can come out next weekend and meet the teams and they are giving out posters at the door to get signed and you guys are all bashing us for graphing? Hey, I went to titans camp yesterday to get autographs and lifted 3 kids to get mariota. Not my kids. So you all can say whatever you want. If it's not your thing, fine.g, drinking, etc aren't my thing. I don't bash you all for it. So why bash us for collecting autographs? It's a hobby. A couple people do stupid things and all adults no matter how they act or what respect they show you all think should be banned? Why? I do everything I can to help others (kids and adults) get autographs at events. So I'm a bad person because a couple guys run to get in front of the line or sell what they get? Come on.
You go girl!Well thankfully you all don't make the rules so really none of what you say matters to anything in this world. So I'll continue to do what I do and you guys can continue to whine, b**** and moan about it like little kids do.
It's just their hobby, bro.