Good day for women's sports

And with the hiring of Coach DBK in Volleyball NU now has what? 4 female head coaches? That seems appropriate to note on this thread.

The only issue I have with female coaches is in basketball. Wearing high heels on a basketball court should be grounds for dismissal. Not all of them do it, but too many do. It's a weird pet peeve I have. I'm seeing a therapist.
It’s not the only hill they’re dying on and it’s a Beautiful thing to witness.
Seriously?? Tell that to the whacko left.
It was an issue for 1% of 1% of athletes. It was blown up to be a political talking point. It's like signing a decree that saying Merry Christmas is back again. Men who don't care one bit about women's sports to begin with made the most noise.
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It was an issue for 1% of 1% of athletes. It was blown up to be a political talking point. It's like signing a decree that saying Merry Christmas is back again. Men who don't care one bit about women's sports to begin with made the most noise.

So issues that only affect a small percentage of the population should be ignored? I'm sure you will apply that standard to other issues.