Go Big Red From The Ozarks

Sweet. Going to be driving my little 19.5 footer around the Ozarks this weekend with my little Husker Heading to Ivy Bend Resort (Husker watch site & dive bar) to catch the game.

Last year I saw a yacht at Big Dicks Halfway Inn when I pulled into the dock that was effin enormous. It was literally the largest boat I'd ever seen in the Ozarks..........which is saying something. On the back was a huge N flag flapping in the breeze. Needless to say it made me proud. The yacht name was "Port of Ainsworth". I talked to the owner's son and he was almost embarrassed that they had such a large yacht, but gave me a Go Big Red when I told him I was a huge Husker fan.

Good times down there wearing your colors and having fun on the lake.
There are lots of Nebraska people/fans at the Lake that have second (and third) homes here. I know the owner of the boat and not sure of the exact speed but many MTI boats run in the 150 mph+ range.
The yellow buoys seen near the beginning of the video are the start markers and a boat has to hit those at 40mph or under and then they have a 1 mile course to run for the highest speed.
Those are completely different types of boats and the husker boat wont do anything close to 150 mph
Those are completely different types of boats and the husker boat wont do anything close to 150 mph are correct that the boat won't do anything close to will run 165mph when running racing fuel and lots of information confirming that.
You are also right that the 2 boats are completely different types...the one that runs 244 mph (Mystic) is a turbine and the Husker boat (MTI) just has a little pair of Mercury Racing 1025/1200's in it...they do have similar hull designs and both compete on the racing circuit with MTI having many wins.
Anything else you wish to add? ASC
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