For Coach Miles and Nebraska fans regarding banning the from locker room...


Athletic Director
May 29, 2001

I will forever be a fan of Coach Miles for having done this.

Matt Painter, the Purdue coach, had to weed out some selfish players from last years' team and its made a world of difference. I hope the Huskers enjoy some success as a result of this action by being able to get the right type of player in from now on.

Way to go, Coach. They may not thank you now, but those players probably will in 15-20 years from now when they realize what a lesson you taught them.
Good move...but he needed to do that in private. He needs to take the responsibility with the press and shut up about his tough love. Will Shields was right.
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:
Good move...but he needed to do that in private. He needs to take the responsibility with the press and shut up about his tough love. Will Shields was right.
what did will say?
In our social media world, there are no secrets...... so you just as well give the press some up front quotes so there is no confusion about the message that you are sending.

Hopefully, this pays dividends. But what if they get worse over the next month and not better?
TT, for someone who played college football, you seem awfully soft in regards to coach Miles' decision. He's coddled them long enough, major kudos for doing what he did and how he did it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
They have the nicest facilities in the country and played like one of the worst teams in the country ... at home... on a Sunday afternoon... in front of a big crowd... versus a rival.

Miles had every right to take that away.
We have some of the best facilities in the nation. These facilities are a privilege... not a right. Maybe the team got too comfortable.

This post was edited on 2/23 3:38 PM by scottym800
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
TT, for someone who played college football, you seem awfully soft in regards to coach Miles' decision. He's coddled them long enough, major kudos for doing what he did and how he did it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile[/QUOTE]
How is soft to say that he did the right thing in regards to his punishment but he ought to stand up with some of his own personal responsibility? Obviously the press was waaaayyyyyyyy smaller back in my day but my coach never threw anyone under the bus in front of the press.

P.S. Will Shields was the one questioning Miles' tactics. I wouldn't ever call him soft.

This post was edited on 2/23 3:49 PM by Tulsa Tom
I wonder the same thing HB13. I read the tweet and couldn't decide one way or another what his feelings are.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:

How is soft to say that he did the right thing in regards to his punishment but he ought to stand up with some of his own personal responsibility? Obviously the press was waaaayyyyyyyy smaller back in my day but my coach never threw anyone under the bus in front of the press.

P.S. Will Shields was the one questioning Miles' tactics. I wouldn't ever call him soft.

This post was edited on 2/23 3:49 PM by Tulsa Tom
By saying it needs to be done in private, that's how. He has taken responsibility time and time again, that's why.

You took Will Shields' twitter comment way different than I did. Troll along though, I'll be here with reality.
Originally posted by huskerbaseball13:

Care to explain what you think Shields tweet means?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Pretty obvious what it meant after watching his own son quit on his team. Unless someone wants to troll, which I'm cool with, it's a common occurrence on here with a certain someone.

This post was edited on 2/23 5:00 PM by HuskerTimOmaha
Originally posted by huskerbaseball13:
Care to explain what you think Shields tweet means?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Why would I explain what Will means? It's pretty clear.

How does a coach challenge the team and still put players in the right mindset to win?
If it's so clear, please break it down for us simpletons. Let me guess, you have spoken to Will Shields and gotten this explained personally. You got a link?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Why would I need to speak to Will and have him break this down? His words are clear and succinct and, when put in the context of the debacle of the basketball team in recent weeks, make perfect sense.

I tend to take people at their word...but if you want to tell us what he REALLY meant, go right ahead.
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:

Why would I explain what Will means? It's pretty clear.

How does a coach challenge the team and still put players in the right mindset to win?
You conveniently left out the hashtag, most important part of the tweet. Might want to learn the internet before using something to your (wrong) advantage.
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:
Good move...but he needed to do that in private. He needs to take the responsibility with the press and shut up about his tough love. Will Shields was right.
Mountain meet molehill. Bravo to Miles for having the stones to do something proactive. The players quit on him so they need to man up or move on. After what I`ve seen the last few games the players are the ones that need shut up.
The hashtag only makes the message all the more apparent. This is a team that does not work well together from the coach on down.

Like I have said a ton of times about Miles, he's a good coach and next year could be very good. But he is not meshing with this team.
Bullshit Tom. I just showed that tweet to four people I'm at dinner with - no commentary from me - and they each made comments that ended up similar to mine shared earlier ITT. I brought your comment up, as if it was mine and each laughed.

Two Huskers, a Dukie and OU fan.

Randy, you shouldn't be surprised that TT is making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Wife, former college athlete, just texted me back...

I'd say it's meant towards Shavon with the way he didn't play Sunday and his attitude throughout the game.

^^^ copy and paste
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by rrthusker:

Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:
Good move...but he needed to do that in private. He needs to take the responsibility with the press and shut up about his tough love. Will Shields was right.
Mountain meet molehill. Bravo to Miles for having the stones to do something proactive. The players quit on him so they need to man up or move on. After what I`ve seen the last few games the players are the ones that need shut up.
Yep...I say bravo too. Just keep it in house. There is no reason to advertise your toughness by throwing people under the bus.
I just asked two people what that tweet means.

One just stared at me and said, "This isn't that difficult."

The other said, "Seriously? Do you not understand grammar? It's about what a coach needs to do to not only challenge a team but make sure they are in the right mindset to win."

Then I responded, "But people on this message board I'm on are saying it doesn't mean that. It's targeted at a player who quit!"

Then he said, "You do realize the subject of the tweet is 'coach'."

This post was edited on 2/23 6:47 PM by Tulsa Tom
The tweet was basically asking how a coach can do that. I took it as acknowledging the serious challenges faced by the team.

I do not see how it is a tenable position to both really like what Miles did, and to not announce that it is happening. But people may focus on and make issues of whatever they wish to. I'm eager to see how Miles & the team respond to the crap season they've been having. Adversity is a make or breaker.
Originally posted by siegsker:

I do not see how it is a tenable position to both really like what Miles did, and to not announce that it is happening. .
You cannot be serious. Do you not think that coaches come up with punishments/motivational strategies virtually every day that do not get announced to the media? All that is doing is throwing players under the bus...and Miles was the one who said, "You never want to throw your players under the bus." Enough with the half-time tweets and pointing the finger instead of the thumb. Enough with the snappy comebacks like saying they can figure out where to dress...they're creative. Just coach.

P.S. You guys can be the ones to keep this thread going. The idea that you can't critique a coach, even after saying multiple times that he's a GREAT coach, is unfathomable.
This post was edited on 2/23 8:09 PM by Tulsa Tom
...and to feel that it is totally inappropriate to announce it.

Hey. You can have your position, Tom. No sense in debating it. Sorry.
Miles gave his team every opportunity to change this behavior. They didn't and he decided to be a coach and parent. Life doesn't happen in a vacuum and his players better get that point.
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:

Originally posted by siegsker:

I do not see how it is a tenable position to both really like what Miles did, and to not announce that it is happening. .
You cannot be serious. Do you not think that coaches come up with punishments/motivational strategies virtually every day that do not get announced to the media? All that is doing is throwing players under the bus...and Miles was the one who said, "You never want to throw your players under the bus." Enough with the half-time tweets and pointing the finger instead of the thumb. Enough with the snappy comebacks like saying they can figure out where to dress...they're creative. Just coach.

P.S. You guys can be the ones to keep this thread going. The idea that you can't critique a coach, even after saying multiple times that he's a GREAT coach, is unfathomable.
This post was edited on 2/23 8:09 PM by Tulsa Tom
As far as Miles "announcing" it to the media goes. Is that how it happened or was it already out there? How are you going to keep something like that quiet? It was going to hit the media the minute it happened regardless of what Miles said or didn't say. Miles is upset with his team and they needed to know it. I get the impression that he's probably already tried the yell at em route and that didn't get their attention. He's trying something else and only time will tell if it was the right thing to do or not. The one thing about Tim Miles, he learns from his successes and his mistakes.
Originally posted by Tulsa Tom:

Originally posted by siegsker:

I do not see how it is a tenable position to both really like what Miles did, and to not announce that it is happening. .
You cannot be serious. Do you not think that coaches come up with punishments/motivational strategies virtually every day that do not get announced to the media? All that is doing is throwing players under the bus...and Miles was the one who said, "You never want to throw your players under the bus." Enough with the half-time tweets and pointing the finger instead of the thumb. Enough with the snappy comebacks like saying they can figure out where to dress...they're creative. Just coach.

P.S. You guys can be the ones to keep this thread going. The idea that you can't critique a coach, even after saying multiple times that he's a GREAT coach, is unfathomable.

This post was edited on 2/23 8:09 PM by Tulsa Tom
Rich Carl, r u?
If he had done it and said nothing, people would be blasting away at him for being secretive and shady. Word gets out on everything, Miles is smart enough to know that. So you get out in front of the message and you show consistency. You think he said anything to the reporters that he didn't tell those kids to their faces?

That's part and parcel to driving the lesson home. You don't ground your kids and then when their friends come to the door be like, "Oh, uh, Johnny can't come out to play. Why? Well, let's not worry about that, maybe just try back another day. When? Oh well I couldn't really say when...just not today."

Hell no. You tell their friends in front of God and everyone, "Johnny is grounded because he knew the rules and he chose to break them. He won't be coming to play until Friday."

And let's be serious, they're more kids than they are adults. They're 18-21, not 30. I won't have a child with D-1 athletic talent in anything, certainly not basketball, but if I did I would send him to play for Miles in a heartbeat.
Seems to me that Mile's (much like Bo needed) a "Buck stops here" sign on his desk.

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