Eric Fuller

Rumors have been swirling for months. Wish he would stay N but yeah next man up. Best of luck to the kid
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Some of the rumors are not good. I just hope and pray this kid can find a way to stay on track and let football get him out of the neighborhood, wherever that may be.
Some of the rumors are not good. I just hope and pray this kid can find a way to stay on track and let football get him out of the neighborhood, wherever that may be.

The not good ones aren't rumors.
Maybe we upgraded with J Moore? Assuming Fuller was going to be a WR?
Absolutely an upgrade but Fuller was a game breaker and definitely a tough loss but from the sounds of it, he needs to focus on things other than football.
I'm not sure why folks are saying "upgraded". We were planning to take 4, Brown and Fuller would have been able to stay circumstances permitting.
Why with all the secret hush hush about these so called rumors everyone seems to know about but can't say on here.. of course that's just what I'm hearing but I'm not saying anything lol
Fuller obviously has some personal issues that need to be worked out that are more important than football right now. Hope the best for him and maybe down the road we will see him in an NU uniform.
I'm not sure why folks are saying "upgraded". We were planning to take 4, Brown and Fuller would have been able to stay circumstances permitting.

Definitely hard to upgrade from a talent like Fuller. He looked to be every bit as good as the kid we recruited last year that went to Washington State (his name shall go unmentioned).
Not sure it's all that much of a secret. He lost his Husker offer a long time ago and likely won't be playing anywhere at this point. The reason he hasn't been talking is because he has been in juvi due to being involved in some REALLY dumb stuff.
For some reason that link wouldn't work for me so I took part of it (cal-baptist-university-in-riverside-on-lockdown-while-police-search-for-robbery-suspects) and googled it. Thanks for the link though, interesting to say the least. Glad it happened before he got here and not after. Hope that kid finds new people to hang out with.
Does this mean championshios now? History has shown the team with criminals win championships. Ill take the trade off. GBR
Whether this story really involved him or is a rumor that took legs, it is still kind of fishy. I mean, if I am going to run the risk of getting caught for armed robbery, I would probably try to think of a place that had more cash on hand than a nail salon. Seems there have been more to it, like maybe a vendetta.

People tend to think of California as a lenient state, but since there was pistol whipping involved and a felony high speed chase, the juvis could be tried as adults and may be facing reasonably long and hard time. Don't forget Scott Peterson got life without the prosecution producing one single shred of non-circumstantial evidence tying him to his wife's disappearance.

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