Did Tanner Lee hurt his draft stock today?

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Lee sunshine pumpers should be allowed to get a full face slap from any Husker fans that can find them.
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A few weeks ago a scout sang Lee's praises and I had the nerve to suggest we should see if he is as good in shoulder pads as he is in shorts. You would have thought I'd suggested Mike Rozier was overrated and too slow.

My concern at this point is that one of the freshmen may have real talent and will leave. Would you be OK sitting behind this guy?
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A few weeks ago a scout sang Lee's praises and I had the nerve to suggest we should see if he is as good in shoulder pads as he is in shorts. You would have thought I'd suggested Mike Rozier was overrated and too slow. My only concern at this point is that one of the freshman may have real talent and will leave. Would you be OK sitting behind this guy?

probably means you like pelini
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probably means you like pelini
Solich, Callahan, Pelini and Riley for the past twenty years. That's a lot of oops.

Too bad TO didn't have a coaching tree to match his own success. Hard to believe Solich was about it for that coaching tree. Of course, I know some people still believe Turner Gill would have done well even if that thought causes hysterical laughter in Lawrence, Kansas.
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no one is celebrating. we're just tired of this bullshit and we're tired of having smoke blown up our ass about this inept coaching staff.
If he doesn't already have a degree, he better make sure he graduates this year so he can go some where else as a grad transfer next year, because he isn't going to be the qb here next year and he sure as hell isn't going to be in the NFL
yeah, where is the message board mafia today? you know, those clowns that always blow smoke up everyone's butt about how great everything is.. where are they?
yeah, where is the message board mafia today? you know, those clowns that always blow smoke up everyone's butt about how great everything is.. where are they?
They are lurking and will be back tomorrow in full force. They will claim that we have a massive talent gap and that the coaching is struggling cause of it.
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Manning QB Camp doesn't mean squat. I can't believe so many fans bought that load of crap.
Even when he has time - and I agree he got a helmet to the chin alot today - his decision making is not good along with his accuracy. For a guy with NFL talent - he has missed alot of passes in 3 games. He got no help today - some UGLY drops - but he probably should have gotten 4 or 5 INTS again. Or more. He puts that ball up for grabs WAY too often.

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