

Walk On
Nov 17, 2012
Since it is debate season I thought this would be some fun. What would your slogan or pitch be to husker fans to become "President" of Nebraska Football. (Heard this on 93.7 the Ticket it was a lot of fun).
I would allow one person from a message board to design the offensive and defensive game plan each week.

I would allow a second person to be the recruiting coordinator.

Nebraska would win so many titles, I would be made Supreme Galactic Emporer of Husker Football

Because as we all know, the real experts in planning and recruiting are right here!
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I would allow one person from a message board to design the offensive and defensive game plan each week.

I would allow a second person to be the recruiting coordinator.

Nebraska would win so many titles, I would be made Supreme Galactic Emporer of Husker Football

Because as we all know, the real experts in planning and recruiting are right here!

Does anyone know where on my resume I should mention all of my PlayStation recruiting championships?
Shoving Mike Riley's head in a toilet and saying "Hey now". Then let him up and give him a hug and say "you're all right".
1.I will put money toward infer-structure by paving a parking lot from west of the stadium to York.With shuttles that all have a fully stocked bar.
2.I will redo all old seats in the Stadium to 36 inches
3.I will pay our Head coach 10,000,000 a year if he hits 10 or more wins that season.
4 I will institute "Randy-Care"giving all Husker fans free access to all the Sweet-corn they can eat.
5.I intend on paying for all this by giving a thumbs up to Russian Hackers who will infiltrate ESPN's family of networks and filter all "SEC" money to a secret bank account in Valentine.
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