Deadspin Article regarding Pelini

Nebraska fans would largely praise the move if he was still here, or strongly defend it.
I mean it's not like he drug a girl down the stairs while the head-coach-in-waiting hid in a closet (or anything crazy that sounds made up)
“Every case is different. You have to listen to their story to see if they are genuine,” Pelini told the Vindicator. “Gosh, when I was [head coach] at Nebraska I got rid of a lot of kids. Some of them weren’t even given a second chance.” -Bo Pelini

Sounds like a lot of revisionist history, if only he were a coach at a lower level then he could call all of the shots. Congrats, Bo. Now you get to hand out second chances for guys like this.
He better just stay where he is at; this crap would not pass muster at Power 5 schools. His Riley gosh golly type quote equating the two levels of football is laughable; to throw out a blanket statement about rapists should be given a second chance is shocking and evident of a lack of understanding on how to handle these issues as the CEO of a program
There was something on ESPN college football daily show about this.
I am not a fan of Bo but I don't criticize him for this. I don't claim to know all the details. Kid got caught and prosecuted. Plenty of others probably got away with worse and are playing.
Was thinking of Avery Moss regarding "one chance ". He got more than one
There was something on ESPN college football daily show about this.
I am not a fan of Bo but I don't criticize him for this. I don't claim to know all the details. Kid got caught and prosecuted. Plenty of others probably got away with worse and are playing.
Was thinking of Avery Moss regarding "one chance ". He got more than one

It would make more sense if the kid was asking to be on the team and Bo gave him a second chance, but I question him seeking the kid out. some of you never had a 2nd chance (and maybe you didn't b/c you're very bitter toward a guy that is LONG gone from here. Some of you act like he LOST 9 games/yr & stole your wife while here. Dude's an easy punching bag, but give it a rest).

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Reactions: jeans15 some of you never had a 2nd chance (and maybe you didn't b/c you're very bitter toward a guy that is LONG gone from here. Some of you act like he LOST 9 games/yr & stole your wife while here. Dude's an easy punching bag, but give it a rest).


Yep...let's move on.
What a dirt bag. And to think I was repeatedly banned and blacklisted from RSS for simply stating over and over Bo was not the answer to get us back to being title contenders. I never called names or used foul language, but was professionally critical of Bo.
No some of you never had a 2nd chance (and maybe you didn't b/c you're very bitter toward a guy that is LONG gone from here. Some of you act like he LOST 9 games/yr & stole your wife while here. Dude's an easy punching bag, but give it a rest).

You also don't need to be his champion anymore. Talk about needing to move on.....
Yep....some people need structure in their lives.

This guy could end up in a bad place.
I wouldn't go that far. He did a horrible thing, and has by all accounts been just fine since then. I don't think playing JV football for a guy like Pelini is going to be some magic elixir to never get in trouble again.
I wouldn't go that far. He did a horrible thing, and has by all accounts been just fine since then. I don't think playing JV football for a guy like Pelini is going to be some magic elixir to never get in trouble again.
But being a rapist and playing for someone like Riley is fine though.
I wouldn't go that far. He did a horrible thing, and has by all accounts been just fine since then. I don't think playing JV football for a guy like Pelini is going to be some magic elixir to never get in trouble again.

We have no idea about his environment. Seen 100s of kids fall victim to their environment.

The horrible thing he did was probably a product of his situation in life, peers.

This happens daily.

Forget about Pelini.....,yes I would send my kid to play for Pelini. At least I know he would graduate based on history.

Life is bigger than Pelini.
Sick and tired of the victim talk. ! This political correctness is destroying our society.
We have no idea about his environment. Seen 100s of kids fall victim to their environment.

The horrible thing he did was probably a product of his situation in life, peers.

This happens daily.

Forget about Pelini.....,yes I would send my kid to play for Pelini. At least I know he would graduate based on history.

Life is bigger than Pelini.

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