Darlington to WR

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IMO this is actually a safer position. Not near as many hits at the WR position. Good luck to him.
This. He could excel more at the WR spot than QB. But it'll be tough for him to get in the rotation this year. He seems like a great kid is more about being a Nebraska student-athlete than a football player, which is great to see.
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From pictures, he looks the part.

He wants on the field. It was his decision. He wanted to move to WR last fall but the coaches wouldn't let him.

He must not have felt like he was not good enough to beat out the others... why else would he want the switch laat fall? Must have seen the writing on the wall and didn't want to ride the bench for 3 more years.

I am sure he knows where he was sitting on the depth chart.

If he still has the wheels that he (per recruiting sites) had in high school, the WR is a good fit for him. Strong and fast.

As far as concussions go, he has had two, with one being severe. Many fb players have had multuple concussions and now we know some of the possible after effects later in life. Surely he knows this, so if he wants to play still, I say let him.
If he truly was doubtful to ever make it behind center, this is much better than seeing him transfer.
Always room for another playmaker.
I must be blind and an idiot when it comes to the QB position. This completely blows my mind and throws the Concussion reason out the window why he was 4th string

Am I the only one that thought he looked like the best QB to run this offense last year?
I think he would be great for the old offense. For the direction they're going with pro-style QBs, he's not as much of a fit. He's a guy who needs to be able to be a true dual threat. I get that sort of "gamer" vibe from him that he doesn't throw the prettiest ball or drop it in the net on a 40 yard fade drill, but he can just ball out when the lights come on.
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What ? How often were our receivers dragged off the field versus TA getting dragged off the field. Westernkamp took some vicious hits hits last year. Next to kicker, QB is the safest place to be.
IMO this is actually a safer position. Not near as many hits at the WR position. Good luck to him.

As long as he doesn't get hung out to dry by bad throws. Also consider the targeting rules and it's not like defenders can just unload on receivers like they could in the past.
From what I've heard & seen the kid has very good athletic ability.

He's #6 in this video of the state championship game. He's got good feet and moves. 6' 2" with legit speed. I'm not questioning his athletic ability either.

Being a QB in the system, he should know the routes, now can he learn to run them?
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As long as he doesn't get hung out to dry by bad throws. Also consider the targeting rules and it's not like defenders can just unload on receivers like they could in the past.
He's a big boy & wants to play. It's his decision.

He's #6 in this video of the state championship game. He's got good feet and moves. 6' 2" with legit speed. I'm not questioning his athletic ability either.

Being a QB in the system, he should know the routes, now can he learn to run them?

Well he is not 6'2 I can tell you that. Maybe 6'0 in tip toes. However, he's a dynamite athlete and looked really good at practice. From what I saw he will play some at receiver.
Well he is not 6'2 I can tell you that. Maybe 6'0 in tip toes. However, he's a dynamite athlete and looked really good at practice. From what I saw he will play some at receiver.

Come on, next thing you are going to tell me is Eric Crouch wasn't 6' 0" like he was listed??Laughing