Wanted to make sure everybody knew about the Cyber Monday deal that just went live for Rivals. As of Tuesday morning, the promo is still on. (While supplies last)
Current monthly users can also get in on this if they upgrade to an annual. Unfortunately (don't shoot the messenger), current annual users can't take advantage of this deal. Also, I would act fast if you want this deal, as it's why supplies last, and this one goes very fast since you basically get your money right back. Spend $100 on the upgrade and we are giving you $99 back to spend in the store.
Thanks, Sean Callahan
Here are the instructions to upgrade:
While signed into their account, hit this link: https://nebraska.rivals.com/users/subscriptions
Verify password
Verify billing information
Enter promo code: Cyber99
Current monthly users can also get in on this if they upgrade to an annual. Unfortunately (don't shoot the messenger), current annual users can't take advantage of this deal. Also, I would act fast if you want this deal, as it's why supplies last, and this one goes very fast since you basically get your money right back. Spend $100 on the upgrade and we are giving you $99 back to spend in the store.
Thanks, Sean Callahan
Here are the instructions to upgrade:
While signed into their account, hit this link: https://nebraska.rivals.com/users/subscriptions
Verify password
Verify billing information
Enter promo code: Cyber99

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