Court Arraignment

Meth does funny things to people. Hopefully the family got all their stuff back. This guy will be out in less than 5 years once he's paroled.
The current view from this administration is drug related crimes are not violent. He would be in line for a pardon.
I wasn't surprised at all that this happened. Some people have no shame. There have been instances of burglaries at the homes of a person who died during their funeral. Unfortunately we live in a world where if there is a publically posted event like a wedding (this would apply more to the parents of the bride/groom) or funeral (this could apply to the home of the deceased, and immediate family members, especially adult children of the deceased), where everyone knows your house will be empty, someone can easily find on the internet where you live, and know your home will be empty.

When my children get married and/or when my parents pass on, I'll find someone I trust to just hang out in my home while we are gone. Again, sad that you have to think about it, but you do.
The day of my Mother's funeral, we asked a friend of the family to stay at our farm house during the funeral and burial. It's a sad commentary when such measures are considered commonplace.
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chop 1 big toe off for trespass, and the left thumb and right index finger off for stealing. 1 year in jail , hard labor clearing concrete from abandon urban areas.

and case closed. this way he's not a 20 year burden on the tax payer.

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