
Who else is old enough to remember when football was football? Before the pussies took over..
As a Steelers fan I obviously disliked Brady as a player. But some of the hits he took were brutal. Same for Ben for that matter behind some medoicre offense lines. These days for better or worse we don't get many hits like in that video. And if it does happen there will be about 10 flags, lol.
This shows you have a hatred for Matt Rhule. You are a total POS . Please find the Gun rack I told you to find .

The important part of this is that on the play in question when Mahomes flopped, trying to get a penalty - when Aikman pointed it out - the officials didn’t call a penalty.

You missed the two prior to that. You are correct they didn’t fall for it the third time so credit to the officials for only having a 66% suck rate