Hello friends,
I’m taking my 5 year old son and 25 year old smokeshow fiancé to their first NFL game on December 10th to watch Chiefs versus Bills. I’ve been to a bunch of games in my 37 years and the parking is always a disaster. Does anyone have any tips to park for cash somewhere that I can easily get out of the parking lot of take a shuttle somewhere away from the parking lot entirely? I didn’t buy a parking pass because I wanted a more strategic plan in existing the stadium. TIA
I’m taking my 5 year old son and 25 year old smokeshow fiancé to their first NFL game on December 10th to watch Chiefs versus Bills. I’ve been to a bunch of games in my 37 years and the parking is always a disaster. Does anyone have any tips to park for cash somewhere that I can easily get out of the parking lot of take a shuttle somewhere away from the parking lot entirely? I didn’t buy a parking pass because I wanted a more strategic plan in existing the stadium. TIA