Carl Pelini

We were just having this discussion. We are wanting to travel well into retirement but also want to enjoy it while we are still young.

Our kids are a little younger so probably in 3-5 years we will start taking larger vacations outside the US.

We are frugal - but enjoy having nice experiences. We definitely live under our income level but don’t want for anything. I’m hyper-sensitive of retirement due to my own parents situation. So saving and enjoying are a balancing act.
We were just having this discussion. We are wanting to travel well into retirement but also want to enjoy it while we are still young.

Our kids are a little younger so probably in 3-5 years we will start taking larger vacations outside the US.

We are frugal - but enjoy having nice experiences. We definitely live under our income level but don’t want for anything. I’m hyper-sensitive of retirement due to my own parents situation. So saving and enjoying are a balancing act.

We all have friends who are now taking on the burden of helping support their parents because they didn't save for retirement.And I definitely don't want to do that to my kids.
We all have friends who are now taking on the burden of helping support their parents because they didn't save for retirement. And I definitely don't want to do that to my kids.

I tell all 4 of my kids on a monthly basis that we supported them for 20-25 years of their life, so they will need to return the favor in the last years of our lives, if it is needed. Essentially, they are my back-up retirement plan. I don't care who takes care of us or how it is split between the 4 of them - so they better make sure to account for that before it is too late. :)
$10K vacay's are something we'll never have to worry about. That's insane. Yes I know people who've dun 'em. Hawaii, helicopter tour to go with...Paris for 2 weeks. Barf. No way I could enjoy myself knowing I dropped 5 figures to do it. I could soend 10K on a bike, but I think we can all agree that would be totally worth it.
Meh. Not really. If you stay at the holiday inn, then yes. A week on an island at a nice resort with flights, food, alcohol and excursions is very easy to exceed $10k. Shit, a week at the JW Marriott in Arizona or Florida can get to $10k. Id rather spend the money for a high end resort and be waited on for a week with my time off than lose the income of not working and not do what I truly wanted to do. We all enjoy different things. To each their own.
Didn’t anyone go to church this last Sunday and listen to the gospel? Sell all your possessions and give it to the poor and go follow the Lord. You are all sinners and heaven has no place for those living in luxury. Robin Leach did the devil’s work and corrupted this world. Follow the words of Jesus and be rewarded tenfold in heaven.
This week was about Jacob holy crap he knocked up a lot of women
My wife and I love to travel, so that is how we spend our money and give our kids other experiences. We are headed to Doha, Dubai and Abu Dhabi for Thanksgiving and then Stockholm for Christmas. My kids love going places outside of new pointless toys.
I'll be in Stockholm in June would love any suggestions. I've spent 1 days there and that is not enough to see the city
Dubai is beautiful, I had a blast out there, and honestly things are pretty affordable, you can find good places to eat for pretty cheap. Obviously there’s lots to do out there. We were able to do something different every day and still felt like we missed a lot. Abu Dhabi was amazing as well it’s a 45 minute drive between the two cities so it’s easy to go back and forth. Enjoy your trip there I know I’d go back with a quickness
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And yet every single car ad promotes getting out on the open road through the scenic mountains / forest at 100mph. Who frickin' wants to do that? Talk about missing the target audience in those ads.

For the record, I put on 30,000+ miles for the past 25 years because of work, wife, & kids. I'm not hopping out of my vehicle on a daily basis from my required needs to then go out and drive around all weekend long.

And sorry, BTF69, I don't mean to trigger you by admitting I have a wife.
I will let your silly marriage choice slide...this time! :)

Only because you are so accurate about those commercials!

1 time, ONCE, in my life did I ever "go for a drive" just to drive. I had gotten a new Jeep Wrangler (because I **** so hard) and it was a stick shift (because I wanted an anti-theft car) and one day I was like "I am going to drive my wrangler". I drove from 132 to about 180th and then I came home and probably started drinking.
I'll be in Stockholm in June would love any suggestions. I've spent 1 days there and that is not enough to see the city
Dude, watch out so you don't catch that syndrome that has been going around over there.
Dubai is beautiful, I had a blast out there, and honestly things are pretty affordable, you can find good places to eat for pretty cheap. Obviously there’s lots to do out there. We were able to do something different every day and still felt like we missed a lot. Abu Dhabi was amazing as well it’s a 45 minute drive between the two cities so it’s easy to go back and forth. Enjoy your trip there I know I’d go back with a quickness
Do you see TONS of crazy nice cars out there?

Can you drink there?
DIdn't LSU pay him 2 million alone???
The IRS got nearly 40% of that. His wife got used to a pretty nice lifestyle in Lincoln. I have no idea how much he salted away but he no doubt needs over 4 million to maintain his lifestyle.
The IRS got nearly 40% of that. His wife got used to a pretty nice lifestyle in Lincoln. I have no idea how much he salted away but he no doubt needs over 4 million to maintain his lifestyle.
Well, he isn't working so he must be doing something right...
Do you see TONS of crazy nice cars out there?

Can you drink there?
Yes and yes, it was unreal how many crazy expensive cars were around there. The most of them were concentrated around the mall and Burj Khalifa, and then around the palm tree islands.

Dubai is especially laid back, I was out there during ramadan, and they still allowed for eating during the day and drinking, they understand there’s a lot of tourism there. I’d recommend being subtle about it all and not really walking around being a stumbling bumbling drunk but be mindful of their culture while still enjoying it. You’d still walk around the beaches and the water parks and see plenty of women dressed in two pieces as well. Over all they were hospitable. I know I never had any issues and people typically just minded their own business.

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