Cam Newton says..

Yes, because having great mobility and physical talent means he shouldnt be protected in the pocket............smh. Obvious bias is obvious.
Yea then when the defense goes easy on him in the pocket he takes off for a big gain or td by "breaking" or evading a tackle because the defender is supposed to slow down.
Yea then when the defense goes easy on him in the pocket he takes off for a big gain or td by "breaking" or evading a tackle because the defender is supposed to slow down.
Expecting not to be hit in the head or having defenders go low is them "slowing down". Cool story
He passes on the run. If you don't take him down then he runs for big gains. So, not dumb.
Late hits and low shots in the pocket are the problem. If he is running upfield and does not slide, I say light him up!
Yea then when the defense goes easy on him in the pocket he takes off for a big gain or td by "breaking" or evading a tackle because the defender is supposed to slow down.

All defenses are forced to tiptoe around QBs in the pocket, regardless of their elusiveness.
My gawd Solana have jumped the shark.
Could it be that people are upset about the disrespect for the national anthem because the last images they have seen of some of their friends and family members was their casket draped with an American Flag? It's disgusting to me that people can rationalize this disrespect. "Oh they aren't disrespecting the service men" well then if I use the "N" word and I mean it in fun, not disrespect, it means you can't feel disrespected, right???
No, it can't be because 18-40 year olds with families have sacrificed their lives and actually died, like for real.....people must be pissed simply because the people doing it are black and aren't being good slaves. My gawd man, get a life.
Their protest is entirely misplaced, and it all started by accident anyway...Kap was being a sulking baby for not starting and knew he was in trouble so he quick went..."it was a protest!" and the media ate it up.

There were 50 American soldiers KIA from 2014-2016, in the same time there were between 500-700 black people killed by police offices, we really don't know the total number, which is revealing in itself. During the same time there were around 42000 murders in America. African Americans make up about 14% of the population but account for over 50% of the homicides, or around 23,000 homicides. If only 1% of those murders happened to "innocent" people, and 99% to people that "deserve" to die, that would still be 200 people. Or 4 times the number of soldiers that died. This is exactly why BLM exists. Masses of minorities can be killed, and they don't get a flag over their casket, yet they are Americans, many of them show the courage, perseverance, and goodness of any soldier, but they die because of their skin color, that is a simple fact. It is also a fact that the response to Cam and black protesters represents friction between white culture, and black culture. Slavery, jim crow, segregation lasted from 1600 to 1955 in America, or nearly 400 years. That is 20 generations of discrimination sanctioned by the government of this land towards one group of people. Cam's and Colin's generation is only the 2nd since the country was desegregated, is it not expected that racism would exist, would still be strong, and would still pervade the subconscious of those were relied on it, then relished it, accepted it, then begrudgingly rejected it.
There were 50 American soldiers KIA from 2014-2016, in the same time there were between 500-700 black people killed by police offices, we really don't know the total number, which is revealing in itself. During the same time there were around 42000 murders in America. African Americans make up about 14% of the population but account for over 50% of the homicides, or around 23,000 homicides. If only 1% of those murders happened to "innocent" people, and 99% to people that "deserve" to die, that would still be 200 people. Or 4 times the number of soldiers that died. This is exactly why BLM exists. Masses of minorities can be killed, and they don't get a flag over their casket, yet they are Americans, many of them show the courage, perseverance, and goodness of any soldier, but they die because of their skin color, that is a simple fact. It is also a fact that the response to Cam and black protesters represents friction between white culture, and black culture. Slavery, jim crow, segregation lasted from 1600 to 1955 in America, or nearly 400 years. That is 20 generations of discrimination sanctioned by the government of this land towards one group of people. Cam's and Colin's generation is only the 2nd since the country was desegregated, is it not expected that racism would exist, would still be strong, and would still pervade the subconscious of those were relied on it, then relished it, accepted it, then begrudgingly rejected it.
I would like to see your sources for your statistics - but let's go with your numbers. So you say 23,000 blacks have died in the last two years and you focus on a group responsible for 2-3% of the deaths??? Grade school math suggests you are focusing on the wrong problem.