Boyd Epley


Oct 28, 2017
For those that are plugged in, does he still publish or talk about the ratings he does on the team? If he does, where does the team sit now?
For those that are plugged in, does he still publish or talk about the ratings he does on the team? If he does, where does the team sit now?
Depends...if he likes the coach the team is doing great...if he doesn't like the coach the team is at least 1.5 years away from being able to do a push-up.

I kid I kid!

I have no idea.
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For those that are plugged in, does he still publish or talk about the ratings he does on the team? If he does, where does the team sit now?

I don't think the numbers have been public for quite a while
My read on Boyd is he became more interested in his training programs as a package that can be sold then he is was at training athletes at Nebraska. He is not stale (knows his stuff very may not agree with all of it....but that is a decision each S&C program has to make). He is not the right guy to be the focal for Football S&C at Nebraska. When is the last time a football player had athletic osteitis pubis since Boyd was not directly involved in training them?
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As good as Moos is, he probably has developed the skill to balance making our legends feel welcome being around and contributing as appropriate, but not allowing interference with the day-to-day operations in general. If so, lets hope he applies the skill in handling BE.
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I agree that BE changed his focus to program development. But in saying that he hasn't been involved on the football side. Only the other Nebraska sports. I'm not sure if that is good or bad but the last guy wasn't anything great either.