Bowl projections

With the exception of the Citrus, the bowls don't really pick.

The bowls work with the conferences and teams to try and create compelling matchups. The SEC does it this way too.

That's why I don't think the Music City will work out. You could have a ranked, 9-3 team from the SEC that will raise hell playing a 6-6 team.

Mayo and Pinstripe are a higher tier than the Rate. I think we draw more interest than Rutgers and Minnesota. But both gace plated in the Pinstripe recently.
I get your point but there’s 4 teams that are 9-3 in the SEC so the Music wouldn’t have much of a choice unless they took LSU 8-4 who has a lot of bowl tradition with Nebraska.

Also heard Michigan has more alumni in New York than what they actually have in their own state. So Michigan would be a better draw for the Pinstripe than Nebraska..
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We will get out ass kicked by a MAC team.
Sadly that wouldn't really surprise me... Northern Illinois beat Notre Dame. Bowling Greene gave Penn State and A&M a rough time before losing. If those 3
can't overlook a MAC team I sure as hell know we can't.
We will get out ass kicked by a MAC team.
Wrong bowl. That’s in Detroit.
Sadly that wouldn't really surprise me... Northern Illinois beat Notre Dame. Bowling Greene gave Penn State and A&M a rough time before losing. If those 3
can't overlook a MAC team I sure as hell know we can't.
Both of don’t know that Detroit is the bottom of the picking order..
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Wrong bowl. That’s in Detroit.

Both of don’t know that Detroit is the bottom of the picking order..
I was just saying. Regardless of who we play we are bound and determined to let them beat us.
There’s a huge Nebraska fan base that retired or winters in Phoenix.
Husker fans are everywhere down here and not just retirees and snowbirds. I see younger adults with Husker gear almost daily. Quite a few NU grads come to Phoenix for jobs. As far as snowbirds I don’t think we have as many as one might think. North and South Dakota probably many more than Nebraska. And half of Canada is here now until April. Of course North Dakota and Canadian winters are brutal.
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Wrong bowl. That’s in Detroit.

Both of don’t know that Detroit is the bottom of the picking order..
I know this . I don't care where we go. Nor have any idea where any of these bottom feeder bowls are played. Really why would anyone care? I mean I'll watch but not much beyond that.
People going to the bowl game care where it's at.
Im sure they do. But they were most likely going regardless. My guess is if you took a poll, most Husker fans don't know or care where the game is going to be played. Remember there are hundreds of thousands of Big Red fans. Only 10K or so will go to the game.
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Im sure they do. But they were most likely going regardless. My guess is if you took a poll, most Husker fans don't know or care where the game is going to be played. Remember there are hundreds of thousands of Big Red fans. Only 10K or so will go to the game.
I wouldn’t expect much of a turnout if it’s the pinstripe bowl. IF BC draws the Pinstripe there will be a ton of their fans there.
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Im sure they do. But they were most likely going regardless. My guess is if you took a poll, most Husker fans don't know or care where the game is going to be played. Remember there are hundreds of thousands of Big Red fans. Only 10K or so will go to the game.
Two of the choices are a few hours drive from my house, so I will be rooting for those.
Sharpy said it looks more and more likely Nebraska will be playing in the Pinstripe bowl against B.C.
I was hoping for Phoenix after the loss - get some golf, football and drinking in while down there. I guess I will have to settle for two out of three
The bowl match up i saw that i liked was Jan 3rd vs Duke in the Duke mayo Bowl...its a good match up and its Jan would give us more time to deal with coaching/ roster moves....But i doubt it
The bowl match up i saw that i liked was Jan 3rd vs Duke in the Duke mayo Bowl...its a good match up and its Jan would give us more time to deal with coaching/ roster moves....But i doubt it
Just six extra days would have been nice..

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