Boat Owners


Redshirt Freshman
Dec 11, 2002
Looking to purchase a good used runabout boat. Don't have time to use it a lot but want a dependable boat when I do head to the lake. So looking for something reasonably priced that will hold its value...I'm not asking for much am I :) Found a great used boat with low hours but don't know a lot about the brand. Can anyone tell me anything about Tahoe boats, good boat, cheap boat etc. I did some research and see that they are sold at Bass Pro Shop and parent company is Tracker boats, which is a quality fishing boat.

Any suggestions on what brand I should purchase? Problem is that some brands like Crownline are unbelievably expensive, even a 2000-2005. Any help would be appreciated.
Boat=Break Out Another Thousand
There are thousands of them here where I live (Lake of the Ozarks) and I've been a boat owner for 30+ years.
I've boated on most of the lakes in Nebraska back when I lived there. Be patient and find and you can find a good used one. Crownline are good boats and the original owners of Crownline were my neighbors and I went to school with them. I started out with a 16' Bayliner with a 4 cylinder and it would pull skiers but was a bit hard to get big people up. Tracker boats has a plant about 25 miles from where I live now and builds a good boat.
What kind of vehicle do you have for pulling the boat? That may help in your decision on the size boat you purchase.
2013 Ford F-150...I am single and an empty nester. Would be using this to entertain friends and to take the kids/grandkids out when they come home. The Tahoe is a 2013 with 4.3 Merc cruiser and all skiing equipment included with only 25 hours, in very good condition. Any guesses on where the price should be?

Thought about a pontoon but don't know if I want something that big..closest water is over a hour away and they are a beast to steer.
2013 Ford F-150...I am single and an empty nester. Would be using this to entertain friends and to take the kids/grandkids out when they come home. The Tahoe is a 2013 with 4.3 Merc cruiser and all skiing equipment included with only 25 hours, in very good condition. Any guesses on where the price should be?

Thought about a pontoon but don't know if I want something that big..closest water is over a hour away and they are a beast to steer.

Check out boattrader.Com if you haven't. If nothing else it will give you plenty to compare to all.over the country.

What is the asking price on the Tahoe?
I follow the Chaparral forums because they are pretty active. They had a thread I saved that a bunch of people rated manufacturers. I always thought of Tahoe as a budget brand and most people in the thread agree.Chaparral Forum They aren't saying that it is a bad brand, only a budget/lower tier manufacturer. The simpler the boat, the less that can go wrong. Every boat with take some maintenance to keep it running well.

Prices are what people think it is worth and vary a lot depending on location. Boats generally don't depreciate as fast as cars. You can use Boat US, NADA and BUC Valu to get prices. NADA will probably give the lowest price and may not be accurate with the market. Some of the prices may not include a trailer.

25 hours on 2013 is hardly used and may not have all the initial issues worked out. I would make the sale conditional on a water test. You could opt for a boat inspection for a few hundred dollars. Check the engine very closely with that few hours.

Here is a thread with information to ask the seller about the boat. What to ask the seller.
Check out boattrader.Com if you haven't. If nothing else it will give you plenty to compare to all.over the country.

What is the asking price on the Tahoe?

$23,900 and I have been on and it does have a lot of info. Thanks for all of the information!! I'm not in a hurry and would be in the market for a budget or "beginner" boat. I'm not looking to spend $50K - $60K on a boat. I am guessing that I would be lucky to put 30 to 40 hours a year on the boat...I need to ride my Harley too you know Cool

Would I be accurate to assume that a 2013 Tahoe located in Boji or a state with a lot of water is worth more than a 2013 Tahoe in an area where the nearest water is a couple of hours away? Not that it would be a significant amount but maybe it would just be harder to sell.
$23,900 and I have been on and it does have a lot of info. Thanks for all of the information!! I'm not in a hurry and would be in the market for a budget or "beginner" boat. I'm not looking to spend $50K - $60K on a boat. I am guessing that I would be lucky to put 30 to 40 hours a year on the boat...I need to ride my Harley too you know Cool

Would I be accurate to assume that a 2013 Tahoe located in Boji or a state with a lot of water is worth more than a 2013 Tahoe in an area where the nearest water is a couple of hours away? Not that it would be a significant amount but maybe it would just be harder to sell.

You'd think, but the more water around the more supply too.

I'm kind of in the same boat (ha ha). Grew up boating and now that my kids are getting older, thinking of getting back into it.

I checked out a 2013 new (had never been sold in 2 years) Tahoe at the Council Bluffs BPS this summer. Seemed pretty decent.

I agree with Whiplash's post. Also, the old saying, what are the 2 happiest days in a boat owner's life? The day they buy it and the day they sell it.
Keep in mind most of the boats have the same power unit and outdrives, either Mercruiser or Volvo. So when they say "budget" you're mainly talking about fit and finish of the hull, etc. The mechanicals are pretty much the same. I have an older carbed 4.3 mercruiser and my brother has a newer Rinker 4.3 Mercruiser. His is fuel injected and runs circles around the older one. The 4.3 merc is plenty for running around, skiing, tubing etc.

I kinda want a Yamaha jet boat now, we've had to replace the mercruiser outdrive a couple times and it's getting old. $$$

For reliability it's best to use a boat routinely and to stay on top of the maintenance.
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Want my opinion? Don't spend a penny over 20k for that boat. If you want a good one get a 20-24 ft Larson post 2012 and thank me later. My .02
Be ready to fork out more money than you think or wanna when it comes to owning a's always something. BUST is true is the best two days of owning a boat is the day you buy it and the day you sell it. With that being said enjoy it. I don't know much about Tahoe's other than they are sold by Bass Pro..seem like decent boats. Shop, shop,shop and you'll find someone fed up or hard up to sell.
Tahoe is one of the house brands of Bass Pro Shops. Decent boat, but definitely on the budget side of things (akin to Bayliner).
Looking to purchase a good used runabout boat. Don't have time to use it a lot but want a dependable boat when I do head to the lake. So looking for something reasonably priced that will hold its value...I'm not asking for much am I :) Found a great used boat with low hours but don't know a lot about the brand. Can anyone tell me anything about Tahoe boats, good boat, cheap boat etc. I did some research and see that they are sold at Bass Pro Shop and parent company is Tracker boats, which is a quality fishing boat.

Any suggestions on what brand I should purchase? Problem is that some brands like Crownline are unbelievably expensive, even a 2000-2005. Any help would be appreciated.

I'd go with a pontoon if I was in your spot. They're a little different to load, but to hang out on with grandkids or friends, pretty comfy. Especially, if a kid wants to throw out on a worm on a snoopy pole some day.