Big ten points per game 2023 v 2024

2023 1st 5 BIG games (Haarberg) 18.4 ppg. 3-2 record

2024 1st 4 BIG games (Raiola) 18.25 ppg. 2-2 record
This definitely highlights the coaching staffs inability to score points. I am not a fan of Satt’s playcalling but there has to be more to it. Not having a good kicker doesn’t help. Yesterday I thought EJ was running pretty well. Then when they got in the Red Zone Rahmir was put in. I am not sure but I don’t think he had even played a down up to that point. Often times do not understand the substitution pattern. Offense has no flow, no plan.

Again I watched too much football yesterday. I told my wife when I went to bed that there was a lot of bad football played. Nebraska was well beyond all the all the others for being the worst ( Don’t cry for me Argentina, but it was “FUN” talking to neighbors and people at a small neighborhood grocery store about the Huskers after the game. My Colorado cousin sent me a snarky text too. The most common word I heard was “Terrible”). Back to bad football, Sark could not generate any offense against Georgia. Same goes for Riley when they needed scores as USC fell to Maryland and I had on the TCU at Utah game. It was a 13-7 win for TCU. I thought both teams played bad football. I think this is a mediocre year for college football. Maybe it’s the shift of all the players going from one school to another, but there is some bad football being played.

Oh yea. Cougs won! At least my WSU friends are happy.
"Often times do not understand the substitution pattern. Offense has no flow, no plan."

Same observation here. Reminds me of the Callahan era and that plug-n-play video game mentality for subbing. It couldn't hurt us much more to pick a starting RB and leave him in until he's feeling the flow of the game. It probably wouldn't change the results much but some things obviously need to change.

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