Suspect in burglary of Jordan Foltz's home in custody.
Very glad to hear that they have the likely suspect. However, the fact that a person has stolen items in his possession, does not automatically mean he is the person who stole them. I hope they have physical evidence to tie this guy to the crime scene, or that he confessed to committing the burglary.
Him having property that he knows, or should have known was stolen means you can charge him with "Theft By Receiving," which by how I read the 2nd article, that's what he is being charged with for now. I hope they have enough evidence to charge him with Burglary as it is a more serious offense (Class IIA vs IV).
I can't tell by the article where exactly on I-80 this guy was stopped, but he was stopped in York County. It'd take about 1 hour and 40 minutes roughly to get from Greely to York (if he didn't go through Grand Island). He was stopped at about 12:30 am. I'm sure exactly when the house became "unoccupied," but if you assume the burglary didn't happen until after the game started, you'd still have some time to account for. Hopefully someone in Greely can place him in that town on Saturday night.
It is nice however that he made it easy by driving drunk, and thank goodness he didn't kill someone.
I'm wondering what a guy from a small town outside Sioux Falls was doing in Greely, Nebraska? I'd like to know if he knows anyone from that town? If he doesn't have any ties to that town, that's a long way to go to commit a burglary.
I believe the dude is originally from Greeley. Maybe he still has family there. I almost drove over to Greeley last weekend. I was nearby in Primrose at our family farm. My moms side is all from Greeley. If Sam was buried at the cemetery in town, it wouldn't be too far from several members of my family.