Behold: The Week 1 Depth Chart

It was nuts to think when it was Phillips - Benning - Childs - Green - Sims. That backfield was insane. Come on OMAHA! Start producing again.
The 1982 IB depth chart wasn't too shabby either: Mike Rozier, Roger Craig, and Jeff Smith. All 3 NFL backs. Craig, who should be in the NFL HOF, wasn't good enough to start.
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The 1982 IB depth chart wasn't too shabby either: Mike Rozier, Roger Craig, and Jeff Smith. All 3 NFL backs. Craig, who should be in the NFL HOF, wasn't good enough to start.
If I remember correctly Craig also played some fullback in some sets that Osborne had made to get him in the game together..
If I remember correctly Craig also played some fullback in some sets that Osborne had made to get him in the game together..
Roger Craig was the starter but lost to job to Rozier because he was a back who fumbled a lot. Shortly after Rozier became the I-Back, you are correct, they used Craig as a fullback.

Turner Gill QB, Roger Craig FB, Mike Rozier IB, Irving Fryar WB. No talent in that backfield.

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