Away Games

I have no interest to watch USC in the Coliseum in one of the bad parts of Los Angeles..

I’ve been to the Rose Bowl 5 times
Seattle twice
Eugene 1
Madison twice
Minneapolis 4 or 5 times Homer Dome and TCF.
Ann Arbor 1
Clarkeyes City three times with Nebraska and twice with Minnesota playing them.
I have no interest to watch USC in the Coliseum in one of the bad parts of Los Angeles..

I’ve been to the Rose Bowl 5 times
Seattle twice
Eugene 1
Madison twice
Minneapolis 4 or 5 times Homer Dome and TCF.
Ann Arbor 1
Clarkeyes City three times with Nebraska and twice with Minnesota playing them.
Went to the USC game back in 2006. Had fun, but will never go back unless we are good. Too many pricks out there.
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Been to Purdue

It’s fun before the game, pretty boring otherwise
Agree. I've been there before as well. Fun times, but looking at going so the kids can go and have a good time. I usually take them to smaller venues that don't sell out. They've been to Rutgers and Maryland so far and they loved it, but it was because they could move around a little bit. I figured Purdue would be another good one as they are going to suck and it probably won't be full.
Family in Bloomington have put out the Welcome Mat for Indiana game. May decide to use free tickets and visit daughter in Ames for UCF game same weekend though.

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