I can read, and have read the relocation criteria, no need to repeat it in every response. IMO, you're somewhat blind on what's going on and if you dig in to see what I'm talking about, I have a feeling you wouldn't be too pleased.
It is only the most balanced method if one has been *cough* "donating", and I use that term lightly, for a number of years, it's not a balanced method for the next generation or two that are looking to get in the mix. Your two seats in west stadium? I was offered seats on the 40-yard line in west stadium (south side of 50-yard line) for a fraction of the published donation price and yes, that fraction of a donation wouldn't change, we would have been locked in. I also know this as our good friend took advantage of it in 2011 with 35-yard line seats in west stadium (north side of 50-yard line) and he pays a fraction of what the published donation requirement is.
Ruffled feathers? A few people? Not here, far from my point so I'll leave that paragraph alone.
Attrition won't take care of it, this is a problem of the last few years, and immediate future, that will have an impact not only in the near but distant future as well. The "if they want their tickets to go to someone...." isn't reality in all cases, I know as I have a family member with pretty good season tickets and he hasn't paid one cent over the face value of those tickets, directly from the University.
It goes beyond not winning championships, although I will agree that's an important aspect. Besides the asshole of a coach Osborne employed for six years, nobody did a damn thing to correct the season ticket problem Nebraska has. I brought this up a few years back on this very forum and now with expansion, one that wasn't needed at the time and has since been reduced (kudos to Eichorst), its' going to get worse.