Alt Uniforms


Recruiting Coordinator
Jun 4, 2017
Elkhorn, NE
This is pretty old news, but I haven't seen it posted here. Based on the image below, we've got throwbacks coming this fall.

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Alt uniforms are silly. If we actually want an alternate uniform as a shock/marketing factor, then why not brown & white, pink & white, or just plain all white or all black without pinstriping, numbers or the red N?
Stay traditional like Alabama and USC unless you're going to go and target the youngsters for recruiting the rest is unnecessary. These throwbacks are for the alumni and fans more than it is for recruiting. Makes no sense.
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I thought the 2013 with the red jersey and big black N was cool. They had the black helmets and red N as well. Or maybe they grew on me because I’ve seen them a gazillion times in college football 2014.