All the haters

Tell us more Gomer.

Nice name calling...have you been watching the same games I have? Where is the discipline, where is the physicality, where is the consistency and continuity in play calling? Over the last 16 games has this looked like a well-coached team? Do you watch other good teams play or do you just have blind faith that NU is always the greatest? Also one other comment I would like to make....everyone sees things through their own eyes and opinions....some may question more than others....some more have stronger faith than others. We can have very different opinions but no matter how much of an idiot you might be (that is said in jest to get a smile and make my point). :)....none of us would be spending time on here if we didn't love the Huskers and wish the best for them....

NU hasn't had IT for a very long time (across multiple coaches) Was today a good win? Yes it was, and I am happy they won just like I am every time they do. We have some great kids on the team every year that bleed red and I always wish them the best. I always root for the kids wearing red. However, It is my opinion that the current coaching staff is a very bad match for delivering the type of success we all want to see at Nebraska and todays win was very sloppy. I want to see NU return to be a permanent point of discussion on the national picture like they were for a very long time. My definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions.

But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way and if NU does not religiously dedicate itself to committing to that type of model, NU has become Iowa and there will be no more national championships. Some good years and some bad years but a lot of mediocricity.....It's my opinion!!! Will I get banned for an honest opinion that is against the party line on this board? I don't know, If I do, I do and it just reflects on the tolerance level of this board. I love the Huskers, always have since I can remember, the first game I remember watching was the 1970 Orange Bowl against LSU. I haven’t missed a game since (live, TV or radio) I don't see a lot of honest critical discussing on this board. I would like to contribute to it and yes at times I will be somewhat of a smartass but I assure you I want to see NU win every game. We will see if the moderators can tolerate some honest and open discussion. If not I guess this will be the last you hear from me.

Without a QB like Tommy NU doesn't win that game aqainst Oregon on Saturday, and Tommy is the last of the type of leader/athlete of that skillset we will likely see at NU with Riley in charge.

I see a lot of people on here with blinders on and not demanding excellence from this coaching staff and my opinion is counter that. I already said this but my definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is something that has been missing since 1999 (yes we played in a few conference champsionship games since then but were run off the field). This is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions. We will see if this board believes in free expression. If not, well I can only say, GO BIG RED and enjoy the groupthink if ya'll don't want an adverse opinion.

Just a retread. Wish the mods would give a shiz about this stuff.
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I just love how bad our fans are sometimes. All week Oregon was to good for us, I can't see us beating UO and stuff like that. Then look what happens, The Huskers beat the Ducks and those same fans are right back on here ....ooohhh the Ducks just aren't that good, there just average and there barely in the too freaking God guys. Why even watch football and our Huskers if you can't ever be happy or give any dam credit?? Ducks are a good team and by the end of the season we will see just how good or bad they are. And its ok, it won't kill you to say it, the Huskers do actually have a good team, we can compete with pretty much any team in college football. We never give up, we jave a good coaching staff and we have good talent on the field. And we are only getting better.
No wonder why i stay in the paid memebers board, we don't have some of the gloomer fans in there like the cheap O board does. Must i punish myself and visit this form every so often??
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No wonder why i stay in the paid memebers board, we don't have some of the gloomer fans in there like the cheap O board does. Must i punish myself and visit this form every so often??
LOL, you have a right to be an ostrich if you want. Totally up to you.
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I just love how bad our fans are sometimes. All week Oregon was to good for us, I can't see us beating UO and stuff like that. Then look what happens, The Huskers beat the Ducks and those same fans are right back on here ....ooohhh the Ducks just aren't that good, there just average and there barely in the too freaking God guys. Why even watch football and our Huskers if you can't ever be happy or give any dam credit?? Ducks are a good team and by the end of the season we will see just how good or bad they are. And its ok, it won't kill you to say it, the Huskers do actually have a good team, we can compete with pretty much any team in college football. We never give up, we jave a good coaching staff and we have good talent on the field. And we are only getting better.

It's your opinion, which you are entirely entitled to. Mine differs, that we are getting better, I believe we are treading water like we have been for 16 years.
Nice name calling...have you been watching the same games I have? Where is the discipline, where is the physicality, where is the consistency and continuity in play calling? Over the last 16 games has this looked like a well-coached team? Do you watch other good teams play or do you just have blind faith that NU is always the greatest? Also one other comment I would like to make....everyone sees things through their own eyes and opinions....some may question more than others....some more have stronger faith than others. We can have very different opinions but no matter how much of an idiot you might be (that is said in jest to get a smile and make my point). :)....none of us would be spending time on here if we didn't love the Huskers and wish the best for them....

NU hasn't had IT for a very long time (across multiple coaches) Was today a good win? Yes it was, and I am happy they won just like I am every time they do. We have some great kids on the team every year that bleed red and I always wish them the best. I always root for the kids wearing red. However, It is my opinion that the current coaching staff is a very bad match for delivering the type of success we all want to see at Nebraska and todays win was very sloppy. I want to see NU return to be a permanent point of discussion on the national picture like they were for a very long time. My definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions.

But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way and if NU does not religiously dedicate itself to committing to that type of model, NU has become Iowa and there will be no more national championships. Some good years and some bad years but a lot of mediocricity.....It's my opinion!!! Will I get banned for an honest opinion that is against the party line on this board? I don't know, If I do, I do and it just reflects on the tolerance level of this board. I love the Huskers, always have since I can remember, the first game I remember watching was the 1970 Orange Bowl against LSU. I haven’t missed a game since (live, TV or radio) I don't see a lot of honest critical discussing on this board. I would like to contribute to it and yes at times I will be somewhat of a smartass but I assure you I want to see NU win every game. We will see if the moderators can tolerate some honest and open discussion. If not I guess this will be the last you hear from me.

Without a QB like Tommy NU doesn't win that game aqainst Oregon on Saturday, and Tommy is the last of the type of leader/athlete of that skillset we will likely see at NU with Riley in charge.

I see a lot of people on here with blinders on and not demanding excellence from this coaching staff and my opinion is counter that. I already said this but my definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is something that has been missing since 1999 (yes we played in a few conference champsionship games since then but were run off the field). This is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions. We will see if this board believes in free expression. If not, well I can only say, GO BIG RED and enjoy the groupthink if ya'll don't want an adverse opinion.
Physicality? You didn't see the trail of bodies Ozigbo was leaving behind?
This board really needs to get over classifying people as haters and sunshine pumpers (or whatever). First, very few people actually fit the categories. While there are plenty of optimists and pessimists, very few are rooting for the team or staff to fail or for the staff to stay regardless of success. Secondly, in every single game the pessimists and optimists can point to aspects of the game that defend their point of view. That is why these threads never go anywhere productive. I am feeling great after this week's win, unlike last week, but if I were in a pessimistic mood, I'd point to things like the decision to always go for 2 or the reffing, which favored us considerably, as important factors in our winning that we can't take credit for.

Edit - I say that very few fit the profile, and yet one shows up in this very thread. Thanks a lot CDMX. Oh well, I guess it's worth noting that these types of threads attract those types of posters too ;).
CDMX, in the last 6 games we have beaten MSU, UCLA, and now Oregon... That is not treadin water. That is not luck. There must be coaching involved.

You don't think the start of last season would show some warts and bumps in the road? Riley and company may not be the answer, but it makes you look like either an idiot or a prophet (depending on how things shake out) to claim this experiment is a failed one.

As I and many others have said repeatedly, let things play out more before your assurances that these coaches are failures.
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CDMX, in the last 6 games we have beaten MSU, UCLA, and now Oregon... That is not treadin water. That is not luck. There must be coaching involved.

You don't think the start of last season would show some warts and bumps in the road? Riley and company may not be the answer, but it makes you look like either an idiot or a prophet (depending on how things shake out) to claim this experiment is a failed one.

As I and many others have said repeatedly, let things play out more before your assurances that these coaches are failures.
No matter what anyone says this is a big win for Riley and crew. Are we heading for bigger things? I have no idea but winning this game gives us hope. I also believe from a mentality standpoint for the coaches it was important. They have been getting their heads beat in by Oregon for a number of years, losing yesterday to them again would have been hard to take. Now however I think we see them with more confidence which I think will spill to the players(hoping)

Were there things to be concerned about in the game yes and whether this staff can wins titles is still up in the air, but this was a big win. Maybe Oregon is down this year or maybe not they are two years removed from the national title game and beat Stanford and USC last year, my personal belief is they do well and win 9 or 10 games this year
CDMXHusker - But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way.......
Tom Osborne won big when he had elite athletes on his offense and defense. He won less big (the Big8 was really the Big2 many years, usually 5 wins were a lock) and got humiliated in bowl games when our team speed on defense was exposed.
Nice name calling...have you been watching the same games I have? Where is the discipline, where is the physicality, where is the consistency and continuity in play calling? Over the last 16 games has this looked like a well-coached team? Do you watch other good teams play or do you just have blind faith that NU is always the greatest? Also one other comment I would like to make....everyone sees things through their own eyes and opinions....some may question more than others....some more have stronger faith than others. We can have very different opinions but no matter how much of an idiot you might be (that is said in jest to get a smile and make my point). :)....none of us would be spending time on here if we didn't love the Huskers and wish the best for them....

NU hasn't had IT for a very long time (across multiple coaches) Was today a good win? Yes it was, and I am happy they won just like I am every time they do. We have some great kids on the team every year that bleed red and I always wish them the best. I always root for the kids wearing red. However, It is my opinion that the current coaching staff is a very bad match for delivering the type of success we all want to see at Nebraska and todays win was very sloppy. I want to see NU return to be a permanent point of discussion on the national picture like they were for a very long time. My definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions.

But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way and if NU does not religiously dedicate itself to committing to that type of model, NU has become Iowa and there will be no more national championships. Some good years and some bad years but a lot of mediocricity.....It's my opinion!!! Will I get banned for an honest opinion that is against the party line on this board? I don't know, If I do, I do and it just reflects on the tolerance level of this board. I love the Huskers, always have since I can remember, the first game I remember watching was the 1970 Orange Bowl against LSU. I haven’t missed a game since (live, TV or radio) I don't see a lot of honest critical discussing on this board. I would like to contribute to it and yes at times I will be somewhat of a smartass but I assure you I want to see NU win every game. We will see if the moderators can tolerate some honest and open discussion. If not I guess this will be the last you hear from me.

Without a QB like Tommy NU doesn't win that game aqainst Oregon on Saturday, and Tommy is the last of the type of leader/athlete of that skillset we will likely see at NU with Riley in charge.

I see a lot of people on here with blinders on and not demanding excellence from this coaching staff and my opinion is counter that. I already said this but my definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is something that has been missing since 1999 (yes we played in a few conference champsionship games since then but were run off the field). This is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions. We will see if this board believes in free expression. If not, well I can only say, GO BIG RED and enjoy the groupthink if ya'll don't want an adverse opinion.
Post of the century. Put down your red koolaid, folks, and eat a piece of reality.
CDMXHusker - But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way.......
Tom Osborne won big when he had elite athletes on his offense and defense. He won less big (the Big8 was really the Big2 many years, usually 5 wins were a lock) and got humiliated in bowl games when our team speed on defense was exposed.
That's not exactly true and I am old enough to have watched all his games

Big 8 - was not the big 2, In fact there were many other teams that were ranked and some very high during that time. Plus go back and check the schedules the OOC games were better than today.

We got beat many times by Miami on their home field, and most times no we were not destroyed they were competitive games.

TO was a great coach and was a great coach even when he did not have elite athletes. If there was ever a staff who excelled at development it was his
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Nice name calling...have you been watching the same games I have? Where is the discipline, where is the physicality, where is the consistency and continuity in play calling? Over the last 16 games has this looked like a well-coached team? Do you watch other good teams play or do you just have blind faith that NU is always the greatest? Also one other comment I would like to make....everyone sees things through their own eyes and opinions....some may question more than others....some more have stronger faith than others. We can have very different opinions but no matter how much of an idiot you might be (that is said in jest to get a smile and make my point). :)....none of us would be spending time on here if we didn't love the Huskers and wish the best for them....

NU hasn't had IT for a very long time (across multiple coaches) Was today a good win? Yes it was, and I am happy they won just like I am every time they do. We have some great kids on the team every year that bleed red and I always wish them the best. I always root for the kids wearing red. However, It is my opinion that the current coaching staff is a very bad match for delivering the type of success we all want to see at Nebraska and todays win was very sloppy. I want to see NU return to be a permanent point of discussion on the national picture like they were for a very long time. My definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions.

But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way and if NU does not religiously dedicate itself to committing to that type of model, NU has become Iowa and there will be no more national championships. Some good years and some bad years but a lot of mediocricity.....It's my opinion!!! Will I get banned for an honest opinion that is against the party line on this board? I don't know, If I do, I do and it just reflects on the tolerance level of this board. I love the Huskers, always have since I can remember, the first game I remember watching was the 1970 Orange Bowl against LSU. I haven’t missed a game since (live, TV or radio) I don't see a lot of honest critical discussing on this board. I would like to contribute to it and yes at times I will be somewhat of a smartass but I assure you I want to see NU win every game. We will see if the moderators can tolerate some honest and open discussion. If not I guess this will be the last you hear from me.

Without a QB like Tommy NU doesn't win that game aqainst Oregon on Saturday, and Tommy is the last of the type of leader/athlete of that skillset we will likely see at NU with Riley in charge.

I see a lot of people on here with blinders on and not demanding excellence from this coaching staff and my opinion is counter that. I already said this but my definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is something that has been missing since 1999 (yes we played in a few conference champsionship games since then but were run off the field). This is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions. We will see if this board believes in free expression. If not, well I can only say, GO BIG RED and enjoy the groupthink if ya'll don't want an adverse opinion.

Riley is the perfect coach for Nebraska. You can throw as much shit as you want against the wall it's not going to stick. Sit back and enjoy the Nebraska ride!
Great win, this team never quit. This program needed a win like this. That being said, we beat the number 22 team in the country by 3, who many in the industry believe is the worst Oregon Team in a decade. Everyone is acting like we just beat a top 5 team. This shows how far Neb has fallen. Beating a #22 team is a statement win. Will take this win and the team deserves it, but if anyone thinks this team is a top 15 team or that we can win the BIG10 title are dreaming. Step in the right direction and will enjoy it.

"I never apologize for a win" - Carl Peleni
There seems to be a lot of revisionist history about the TO years. For every one of TO's years, beating the #22 team in the country was a routine expectation, not a great win. Beating Okie State, Mizzou, and CU when they had good but not great teams was expected. Mix in just enough wins over Alabama, Penn State, UCLA, and Florida State when they were in the Top 5 or at least Top 10, and you have the reason why NU was considered an elite program, not a woo-hoo, we beat #22 program.
Thank you. I am sick of the revisionist crap, too. Won 9 games a year, people said keep Bo because he wins 9 games like Tom, nevermind that Tom played less games in a season and never played the likes of McNeese State. Big 8 wasn't near as bad as some people want to remember it, OU and NU were just always that GOOD.
(I'm not saying this would not have been considered a good win in the TO years, just pointing out the weak schedule stuff is nonsense.)
Nice name calling...have you been watching the same games I have? Where is the discipline, where is the physicality, where is the consistency and continuity in play calling? Over the last 16 games has this looked like a well-coached team? Do you watch other good teams play or do you just have blind faith that NU is always the greatest? Also one other comment I would like to make....everyone sees things through their own eyes and opinions....some may question more than others....some more have stronger faith than others. We can have very different opinions but no matter how much of an idiot you might be (that is said in jest to get a smile and make my point). :)....none of us would be spending time on here if we didn't love the Huskers and wish the best for them....

NU hasn't had IT for a very long time (across multiple coaches) Was today a good win? Yes it was, and I am happy they won just like I am every time they do. We have some great kids on the team every year that bleed red and I always wish them the best. I always root for the kids wearing red. However, It is my opinion that the current coaching staff is a very bad match for delivering the type of success we all want to see at Nebraska and todays win was very sloppy. I want to see NU return to be a permanent point of discussion on the national picture like they were for a very long time. My definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions.

But I strongly believe the Callahan/Riley type of approach will never win a championship at Nebraska. It is my opinion that NU will never out recruit some of the other major powers that are in more desirable locations and closer to the elite athlete’s homes. In my opinion for the Callahan/Riley system to be successful it requires higher caliber athletes to be recruited and that is more difficult at NU. To be successful at Nebraska over the long term, you can't be cookie cutter and be like everyone else, you have to have a unique model that fits Nebraska, Tom Osborne clearly showed the way and if NU does not religiously dedicate itself to committing to that type of model, NU has become Iowa and there will be no more national championships. Some good years and some bad years but a lot of mediocricity.....It's my opinion!!! Will I get banned for an honest opinion that is against the party line on this board? I don't know, If I do, I do and it just reflects on the tolerance level of this board. I love the Huskers, always have since I can remember, the first game I remember watching was the 1970 Orange Bowl against LSU. I haven’t missed a game since (live, TV or radio) I don't see a lot of honest critical discussing on this board. I would like to contribute to it and yes at times I will be somewhat of a smartass but I assure you I want to see NU win every game. We will see if the moderators can tolerate some honest and open discussion. If not I guess this will be the last you hear from me.

Without a QB like Tommy NU doesn't win that game aqainst Oregon on Saturday, and Tommy is the last of the type of leader/athlete of that skillset we will likely see at NU with Riley in charge.

I see a lot of people on here with blinders on and not demanding excellence from this coaching staff and my opinion is counter that. I already said this but my definition of success is what I think we all want, to be in the discussion and have a realistic opportunity to achieve a conference championship each and every year and to be in the national championship discussion each year. That is something that has been missing since 1999 (yes we played in a few conference champsionship games since then but were run off the field). This is my opinion, others may very well have different opinions. We will see if this board believes in free expression. If not, well I can only say, GO BIG RED and enjoy the groupthink if ya'll don't want an adverse opinion.
Didnt read it all, but...
I agree that I'm not sold that Riley will ever win a championship while at Nebraska. What I do know is that this was a great win and I'm going to enjoy it and hope to hell that he does win a championship at Nebraska.
I understand the repeated concerns with play calling, and we can do better. but by golly we came out and did what we needed after halftime. It was wonderful to watch.
Thank you. I am sick of the revisionist crap, too. Won 9 games a year, people said keep Bo because he wins 9 games like Tom, nevermind that Tom played less games in a season and never played the likes of McNeese State. Big 8 wasn't near as bad as some people want to remember it, OU and NU were just always that GOOD.
(I'm not saying this would not have been considered a good win in the TO years, just pointing out the weak schedule stuff is nonsense.)
Played a lot of great games that went down to the wire against Missouri, Colorado. Oklahoma State and Kansas State. It certainly was not just Oklahoma and Nebraska. The Big 8 was in my opinion better than the Big 10 during Osborne's coaching days in terms of quality of opponent.
That's not exactly true and I am old enough to have watched all his games

Big 8 - was not the big 2, In fact there were many other teams that were ranked and some very high during that time. Plus go back and check the schedules the OOC games were better than today.

We got beat many times by Miami on their home field, and most times no we were not destroyed they were competitive games.

TO was a great coach and was a great coach even when he did not have elite athletes. If there was ever a staff who excelled at development it was his
The period of several years before the great teams of the mid-90s was not a time of great teams in the Big 8. Against southern teams our lack of speed and overall athleticism on D was exposed. And against teams that had good speed on D, our option based offense had trouble moving the ball. Yes, TO was a great coach. But he had great teams when he had great athletes and good speed, the latter especially on D. I reject the notion that we must somehow embrace a system of play that doesn't require the recruitment of "elite athletes". It doesn't matter what system we run. If we do not recruit well, we will not consistently win.