Beav i never underestimate stupidity, even yours. (Joking abt you). But when you blatantly misconstrue my words i have to wonder. The anti-gun bias is media perpetrated by fear. Just ask yourself why you're so against guns but there is no campaign against removing cars from the road.
The record is pretty clear about what happens when assailants choose gun free type areas vs areas where people are armed and willing to defend themselves. If you want to form your opinions based on outliers thats up to you.
Firstly, I don't agree that there is any anti-gun bias in "the media" when you understand that term factors in ALL outlets, not just The Daily Show.
I gave you an actual academic study in gun ownership, I don't know how much more objective anyone can try to be.
I don't have a problem with the
idea of guns, if that makes sense. My problem is that we've seen about how well this goes. The proverbial "bad guys with guns" are waaaaaay ahead on the scoreboard. And the problem with thinking you're going to arm the good guys is that a lot of people don't want a gun, and out of the those "good guys" a lot of them are more danger to themselves and those around them than they are help.
I'd be a great person to own and carry. I have a deep respect for safety and believe it or not, I'm a pretty decent shot. But I don't want one. I'm not willing to live my life constantly scanning for who I might wanna shot, why and how.
We can do the whole "let's compare guns to cars" thing if you really want to, but the short answer is that cars are intended for transportation and guns are intended to kill things. Also, I'd be 100% fine with guns if they were REALLY comparable to cars. Let's start with a few easy ways that guns are not at all regulated like cars are. Imagine a world where:
A nice, new gun costs upwards of $40,000 and the REALLY fun ones will run you a bout $100,000 (now that's not a law, but it's sure a reason guns aren't the same as cars)
If you kill somebody with it, it's probably also completely ruined and you're going to have to buy a new one
No drinking and carrying
You have to go take a written test and a demonstration test that proves you know how to properly use the gun
You have to have insurance on your gun
You have to carry a license on you at all times while carrying the gun (this does exist in some places)
You have to renew your registration on the gun annually
You may have to bring the gun in for testing every so often to ensure it's in proper working order (as some places require with emissions testing)
The gun has hundreds of safety features on it (rather than just one) that are for the sole person of preventing injury/death