1. I didn't say it was a panacea. I said that the "no experience" defense isn't compelling to me when I consider building experience on the depth chart to be one of his weak points. This seems to be a simple, but obvious, point that few are willing to concede.
2. I would take Mark Staten over Mark Cavanaugh any day of the week, and twice on Saturday. He has put together some magnificent lines in East Lansing, without the blue chip recruiting others in the conference enjoy. I recall watching an MSU game a few years ago and just marveling at how efficiently his line picked up stunts and blitzes. If you want to put up him as an example in contrast to Cav, you'll already lost what point you think you made.
3. The level of rotation described in the article is not what I was referencing. No one is suggesting that you don't have five set starters who are consistent in their positions. I'm not suggesting rotating linemen like you would with running backs in a thunder/lightning type scenario. There is some balance there between that and trying to get some snaps in for the reserves.