TO doesn’t want you gambling


Walk On
Sep 11, 2022
LINCOLN — Former Husker coach Tom Osborne urged lawmakers Monday not to allow betting on Husker home football games and other in-state matches played by Nebraska college and university teams.
The national championship coach and staunch gambling opponent warned that the expansion of sports betting is transforming college sports contests into gambling events and the more money people spend on gambling, the more pressure gets put on coaches and players.
“I would ask that you at least protect our Nebraska athletes,” Osborne said in a letter to members of the General Affairs Committee.

This is the same guy that brought us Scott Frost. College football isn’t at rigged.
He still has pull/influence with some folks and is definitely welcome to his opinion. As we all are, and will NO DOUBT get, here shortly.
My dad worshipped at the altar of Osborne. My brother got his ears pierced back in the early 2000s and my dad's response/logic was by asking my brother "would Tom Osborne allow his son to get his ears pierced?"

We shook our heads at the time and still laugh about the cult-like reverence my dad had.
My dad worshipped at the altar of Osborne. My brother got his ears pierced back in the early 2000s and my dad's response/logic was by asking my brother "would Tom Osborne allow his son to get his ears pierced?"

We shook our heads at the time and still laugh about the cult-like reverence my dad had.
TO beat chuck norris in arm wrestling
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LINCOLN — Former Husker coach Tom Osborne urged lawmakers Monday not to allow betting on Husker home football games and other in-state matches played by Nebraska college and university teams.
The national championship coach and staunch gambling opponent warned that the expansion of sports betting is transforming college sports contests into gambling events and the more money people spend on gambling, the more pressure gets put on coaches and players.
“I would ask that you at least protect our Nebraska athletes,” Osborne said in a letter to members of the General Affairs Committee.

This is the same guy that brought us Scott Frost. College football isn’t at rigged.
The same guy who brought him in as a player as well, there is NO National Title in 1997 without Scott Frost, think on that before you take another step towards chaos. Frost was a great player, terrible coach.

As for Osborne and his stance on gambling, he's got a right to say what he wants on the subject, just like anyone else.
LINCOLN — Former Husker coach Tom Osborne urged lawmakers Monday not to allow betting on Husker home football games and other in-state matches played by Nebraska college and university teams.
The national championship coach and staunch gambling opponent warned that the expansion of sports betting is transforming college sports contests into gambling events and the more money people spend on gambling, the more pressure gets put on coaches and players.
“I would ask that you at least protect our Nebraska athletes,” Osborne said in a letter to members of the General Affairs Committee.

This is the same guy that brought us Scott Frost. College football isn’t at rigged.
TO needs to mind his own damned business.
The same guy who brought him in as a player as well, there is NO National Title in 1997 without Scott Frost, think on that before you take another step towards chaos. Frost was a great player, terrible coach.

As for Osborne and his stance on gambling, he's got a right to say what he wants on the subject, just like anyone else.
He has a right to his opinion on gambling. However, he wants armed men to lock you in a cage for it. No one has a right to lock anyone in a cage for gambling.
the US was set up so different states could have different laws...not a centralized goverment.

so I think some states folks should be able to gamble.
smoke the weed laced with fentynal, not spend much time in jail for crimes, have blue tents, needles and turds on their lawn, be one of 0bama/bidens 200+ genders, not pay for thier kids, have a commie party, and bring in cartels and smaller various gangs, sex trafficking etc.....and basicly do as thou will.

then have other states that are more reformed.
then folks can have a choice, on how they shall live.
the US was set up so different states could have different laws...not a centralized goverment.

so I think some states folks should be able to gamble.
smoke the weed laced with fentynal, not spend much time in jail for crimes, have blue tents, needles and turds on their lawn, be one of 0bama/bidens 200+ genders, not pay for thier kids, have a commie party, and bring in cartels and smaller various gangs, sex trafficking etc.....and basicly do as thou will.

then have other states that are more reformed.
then folks can have a choice, on how they shall live.
Who did you vote for?
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People are going to bet one way or another on games involving Nebraska or not..

You can’t tell me that the players and coaches are unaware of the spread now entering a game, not sure what TO is thinking when he says it will put more pressure on the coaches and players because their aware of the spreads regardless..
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I get that he can say what he wants but it is different because of who he is...

The true anti-gambling crowd is small and grows smaller each year, the problem is the huge % of people that don't care either way, those are the ones that can and often are influenced by TO and his wife.

TO, for many dorks, is like that smoking hot girl that doesn't put out for you but somehow convinces you to pick her up in the morning from some rando's house that she shacked up with. (Yes, I speak from a lot of experience...more experience with being the dork that picked up the hot girl the next day...but once this hot girl did sleep bang my roommate but I did not have to drive her home!)
LINCOLN — Former Husker coach Tom Osborne urged lawmakers Monday not to allow betting on Husker home football games and other in-state matches played by Nebraska college and university teams.
The national championship coach and staunch gambling opponent warned that the expansion of sports betting is transforming college sports contests into gambling events and the more money people spend on gambling, the more pressure gets put on coaches and players.
“I would ask that you at least protect our Nebraska athletes,” Osborne said in a letter to members of the General Affairs Committee.

This is the same guy that brought us Scott Frost. College football isn’t at rigged.
Tom is a smart man. Other than the tax revenue gambling is a drag on our communities
Tom is a smart man. Other than the tax revenue gambling is a drag on our communities
A ton of stuff is a drag on society. That's my problem. People want to pick and choose based on what they like. How does it make any sense to be able to walk out of a grocery store with $1,000 worth of hard alcohol but I can't legally smoke a joint on my front porch and have a bonfire or watch a movie.

Is it better to have bookies or organized crime running gambling under the table?

Tobacco is a huge burden on society.

I just don't understand how people can be hypocritical on these things. And I'm not referring to TO. I truly believe he led as clean of a life as anyone out there.
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A ton of stuff is a drag on society. That's my problem. People want to pick and choose based on what they like. How does it make any sense to be able to walk out of a grocery store with $1,000 worth of hard alcohol but I can't legally smoke a joint on my front porch and have a bonfire or watch a movie.

Is it better to have bookies organized crime running gambling under the table?

Tobacco is a huge burden on society.

I just don't understand how people can be hypocritical on these things. And I'm not referring to TO. I truly believe he led as clean of a life as anyone out there.
TO is a hypocrite. I'm sure some of his players were using controlled substances, yet he wants to keep marijuana illegal. His stance on gambling is hypocritical as well. Just let others live their lives.
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I don't agree with Osborne on this, but at least he's at the Capitol on his own time, expressing his honest opinion. Most of the "grassroots" opposition to expanded gambling in Nebraska comes from hypocrites being paid by the companies that run the Council Bluffs casinos.

Same thing happens in Colorado. Any time there's a ballot issue proposing expanded gambling, the cartel that runs the existing casinos pays a bunch of fake soccer moms to run around telling us how gambling will destroy our quality of life... unless we do our gambling in Blackhawk or Central City, where it's okay.
I don't agree with Osborne on this, but at least he's at the Capitol on his own time, expressing his honest opinion. Most of the "grassroots" opposition to expanded gambling in Nebraska comes from hypocrites being paid by the companies that run the Council Bluffs casinos.

Same thing happens in Colorado. Any time there's a ballot issue proposing expanded gambling, the cartel that runs the existing casinos pays a bunch of fake soccer moms to run around telling us how gambling will destroy our quality of life... unless we do our gambling in Blackhawk or Central City, where it's okay.
My problem is, Tom Osborne wants to control everyone's personal lives, while he let his players run wild while he was coaching. He needs to mind his business.
So TO should shut up but a majority of you all have every right to spew hate and call him out. Guess what, Rhule has many of the same beliefs as TO and respects his opinions. Listen, TO gave a lot to this school and is a major part of what it is today. Do I agree with everything TO says? No, but he has his right to state his opinion. Just because it doesn't align with yours doesn't mean he's wrong or a hypocrite.

TO led his life doing what he felt was right at the time based on the situation at hand in hopes of helping those in need (I.e. Rogers an Phillips). TO had hopes of taking kids with troubled lives and giving them hope. Some worked, some did not. No one is 100% correct in all decision but decision need to be made and we were lucky to have him making them.
There is a reason a man like TO was such a force to be reckoned with. Imagine still being so connected to your community and platform at his age. Im ready to check out and Im half his age. A man like that can not simply shut it off and sit on a dock fishing somewhere while his brain and body rot away. He is out there fighting for something every day he has left. I don't agree with most of his politics, but can't help but respect his downright baller nature.
TOs gambling addiction cost us a national title in the 84 Orange Bowl

could have kicked the extra point and walked away with the national title but instead he needed that extra juice and decided to gamble the national championship on a roll of the dice that is successful < 50% of the time

probably learned a valuable lesson and doesn't want his fellow Nebraskans to make similar mistakes chasing that gambling fix
So TO should shut up but a majority of you all have every right to spew hate and call him out. Guess what, Rhule has many of the same beliefs as TO and respects his opinions. Listen, TO gave a lot to this school and is a major part of what it is today. Do I agree with everything TO says? No, but he has his right to state his opinion. Just because it doesn't align with yours doesn't mean he's wrong or a hypocrite.

TO led his life doing what he felt was right at the time based on the situation at hand in hopes of helping those in need (I.e. Rogers an Phillips). TO had hopes of taking kids with troubled lives and giving them hope. Some worked, some did not. No one is 100% correct in all decision but decision need to be made and we were lucky to have him making them.
The difference is, Rhule isn't going to the capitol and trying to force his beliefs on everyone.
Agree, plus some people either don't know when to stop, or can't stop!
Then those people shouldn't gamble, people who can't control their drinking shouldn't drink, people who are addicted to porn shouldn't watch porn. Or they should get the help they need. Typical punish everyone for the actions of a few
I think The Force is with Tom Osborne. I expect even after he passes his apparition will show up like Obi-Wan or Yoda at the stadium offices to advise Trev or at the Capitol to advise Pillen.
Holy...I just cant. Enjoy your board folks. I dont envy this kind of genius thinking from now until football starts. Yeesh.
Climate Change Hide GIF by Barbara Pozzi
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You can already bet on Huskers games. I choose not to. I hate to say never or always, but I don't think I would ever bet on Husker games because I drink too much kool-aid, ahem now Rhule aid
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Then those people shouldn't gamble, people who can't control their drinking shouldn't drink, people who are addicted to porn shouldn't watch porn. Or they should get the help they need. Typical punish everyone for the actions of a few
I’m a bit of a libertarian but damn gambling and casinos seem to wreck a lot of families. I had a friend that eventually committed suicide because of a gambling addiction and bankruptcy. Gambling seems to prey on the weakest.
I guess TO is still upset his guys gambled on the 1984 Orange Bowl. Took that one a little too far; phuked up and lost.