This is a great read and humorous ! Our own Coach Riley voted the best by this PA Writer


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Jun 7, 2001
Ranking Big Ten coaches at the microphone during Big Ten Media Days


Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh proudly displays a Mike Ditka No. 89 Chicago Bears jersey Friday morning during Big Ten Media Days in Chicago. Harbaugh dined with Ditka, his coach with the Bears, Thursday night at Ditka's restaurant. (PennLive/Joe Hermitt)
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By David Jones | The Patriot-News
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on July 31, 2015 at 1:12 PM, updated July 31, 2015 at 1:38 PM




If I was a recruit, I would not dismiss how a coach handles himself in front of reporters as a factor in choosing my mentor and teacher. I wouldn't make it the determining factor, by any means. But it would play into the decision in some small way.

Let's face it: As a player, you want to like and respect your coach as a guy as well as a teacher and motivator. Now, does public speaking ease make him that sort of man? Not necessarily at all. But it does give you a window into his default demeanor and self-confidence. The lectern speech and answering session at Big Ten Media Days is a show on one hand and a glimpse of the inner personality on the other.

With that in mind, here's how I ranked this year's performances by conference coaches, best to worst, irrespective of how their teams have done on the field:


1. Mike Riley, Nebraska

It really has nothing to do with the longtime West Coast coach's enduring image as a "nice guy" who's receptive to media inquiries. It's about his ability to adapt.

It helps that Riley is 62 and looks 52 and has lots of experience dealing with all sorts of people and situations but doesn't look weathered by it. But, to me, it was just impressive that here's a man who's spent virtually his entire life in another area of the country, used to seeing a whole other group of people and settling into a routine, and yet he was able to make his press conference an easy conversation.

Smart answers with thought and alacrity. Yet, a total ease of manner. The clear winner of not just Day 2 but the entire event. I don't know if Riley will work in Lincoln. But he sold me here.

2. Jim Harbaugh, Michigan

I must admit I was prepared to dislike him based on some prior recent appearances, notably the weird Colin Cowherd interview earlier this month in which the two were on totally different wavelengths and never connected.

But the new Michigan Man surprised me with not just his answers but his spontaneity. Wacky? Yeah, more than a little. Harbaugh's is a stream of consciousness mind which can take some right-angle turns.

An example was his response to a question about changing the culture at U-of-M from the prior regime, asked by longtime Columbus reporter Tim May. This is an envoy from the enemy lair, mind you. Harbaugh immediately lightened up the moment by asking May a question about how long he'd been covering Big Ten football (1977) and whether he remembered the old Skywriters' Tour when beat reporters rode through the Midwest from campus to campus on a bus.

Just the fact that he'd be comfortable enough to depart from protocol for a moment like that shows me confidence. I like that.

3. Kyle Flood, Rutgers

Another surprise. I don't know if it's that Michigan win last year in Piscataway or a contract extension he signed in September that takes him through 2018. But Flood looks like he belongs. Considering he's now working in a big-time league after escaping the AAC, that's kind of a big deal. A lot of what goes on up on the stage isn't about what you say but how you say it. Flood said everything with easy conviction.

I didn't like the dodge of the question about whether Penn State is a rival: "I think it's the third game of the year. The only game you get to play that week." Come on, man. RU had better treat Penn State like its biggest game every season; it's about recruiting respect and Flood knows it.

But I give him points for a quick and pleasant response to whether he felt pressure to equal some of his high-profile division rivals' exposure: "We have a lot of our local media here. We're the No. 1 media market in the world. We'll get our share. ... If you do a good job, you'll get all the attention you deserve." Quick, assertive and correct.

4. Randy Edsall, Maryland

Yet another surprise. I've never been a big Edsall fan. He usually smacks of manufactured bravado and comes across with a sort of synthetic sheen to him. But he was very good in Chicago, providing some interesting and specific answers and actually calling out his own team a little in the way it lost when it lost during a rollercoaster 2014 – at scrimmage:

"We found out it was a linemen's league. We discovered you have to win in the trenches if you're going to win game-in and game-out. The physicality – you'd better be able to control the line of scrimmage if you're going to give yourself a chance to win."

That's partly in reference to how the Terrapins' defense was shredded in games against Wisconsin, Ohio State and Michigan State. Edsall didn't sugarcoat it.

5. James Franklin, Penn State

For Franklin, nothing special here. He was just his normal "excited" self. I don't think he's capable of handling a press conference badly, born salesman that he is. He will never come off unprepared or queasy or uncertain about how to answer a question even when he chooses to provide little substance.

I did enjoy his response to a query about an SEC Media Days comment by Auburn's Gus Malzahn, the standard line about how the SEC beats each other up and teams from other conferences couldn't withstand it. Franklin quickly pointed out that the SEC plays eight league games and then allows its members to play FCS opponents in the non-con while the Big Ten will now play nine league games and allow no FCS non-cons.

Of course, Franklin ignored the fact that his September this year is made of potted plants but what's he gonna say?

6. Darrell Hazell, Purdue

Not the easiest situation to be in when you're a third-year coach of arguably the worst outfit in a 14-team league and are working on 1-15 in conference games over the last two seasons. But I give the former Kent State coach an A for effort. He was a little serious but you can't expect a puppet show with that record.

And his demeanor was about as positive as it could be under the circumstances. Let's be clear, this place is the least advantageous to recruit to in the league, the stadium's a dump, the fan base prefers basketball and the tradition is built almost entirely of a 10-year magic trick performed by Joe Tiller. Hazell is dealing with every liability possible and comes off like he still believes he can make it work. Gotta respect that.

7. Urban Meyer, Ohio State

Overshadowed by the four player suspensions announced yesterday, Meyer was at a disadvantage from the start. But nobody is better at deflecting questions about specifics in such a situation than this guy. I think he's practically incapable of looking stressed out or rankled by anything.

And he dealt with the inevitable questions about his quarterback circus by tossing out a few nuggets such as Braxton Miller's assessment that he'll definitely be a wideout this year (to Sports Illustrated's Pete Thamel last week) being "a little premature," and that he will coach Miller personally as a WR in practice.

It's good to be the king. And, after his third national championship and the first one for the Big Ten in a dozen years, Meyer could probably snore through his entire 10 minutes and still be appraised as charismatic.


8. Kevin Wilson, Indiana

Maybe it's me but Wilson seems to have slowed down the pace of his auctioneer cadence from 2011 when he arrived revved up from Oklahoma where he made Sam Bradford into a first-round NFL choice. The guy has had some really rotten luck with injuries, especially last year when a very good quarterback he was depending upon (Nate Sudfeld) went down early with a season-ending injury and he ended up playing his fifth-stringer by November. The curse might be starting again as it was announced he lost his best returning WR to an ACL tear.

If there's one locale in the college football nation that'll grind you down, it's this place. And Wilson is showing signs in his fifth year. If the Hoosiers can't get something going this year with a pretty good O-line and Sudfeld back, that might be it for him.

9. Pat Fitzgerald, Northwestern

See: Wilson to somewhat lesser an extent. It's easy to forget what a tough job Northwestern is because Fitzgerald has been making it look easier for a full decade now. So, OK, he doesn't emit the rah-rah vibe he did when he took over under abrupt circumstances as a mere 31-year-old kid upon the sudden death of Randy Walker in 2006.

While, Fitz is still gracious and willing with his answers and is always a thoughtful man, he just seems to have lost a little zip off his fastball at the mic. What with the NU players union initiative and a few so-so seasons lately, he's had a lot to deal with. It's understandable.

10. Paul Chryst, Wisconsin

This is not a guy who looks particularly comfortable either in a suit or behind a microphone. It's not that he appears nervous at all. He just has a Nixonian 5 o'clock shadow and sheen and hems and haws a lot and sounds basically like the high school wrestling coach who has to teach a class so they give him freshman social studies.

"Where does public speaking rank on the list of things you do or do not like to do so much?" the former Pitt coach was asked midway through his conference by The Chicago Tribune's Teddy Greenstein. To his credit, Chryst didn't freeze up or get defensive. He just smiled and responded, "Is that 'cause of what I've done already to this point?" Later, he added, "I think the biggest thing for me is, I gotta be me."

That's kind of the problem. But if he keeps the ball rolling at Wisconsin, Chryst won't be looked at as goofy, just colorful. And he does come off as genuine.

11. Jerry Kill, Minnesota

Look, this man didn't get where he is with slick one-liners. If a grain elevator became human, it would become Jerry Kill. He's pure Plains, through and through.

And it never helps that he's always asked about how his epilepsy is (he claims seizure-free for over 18 months which should make everyone happy).

The guy can coach his rear off, though, he came from modest roots, his players seem to like him and he couldn't be any more salt of the earth. Behind a mic is not his place. In fact, he didn't even understand when he was done and had to be prompted by the moderator to say bye-bye.

12. Mark Dantonio, Michigan State

Thank God for this guy he's one of the best coaches in college football. He doesn't win games with style points. Actually, that's sort of refreshing, isn't it?

Cursed with the resting face of a prison warden, Dantonio seems to wear the perpetual scowl of a man who's just been asked by his boss if he minds coming in the office for the weekend. Stern is the word. Look, if you had to work for Jim Tressel as long as he did, you'd probably end up that way, too.

To his credit, it's pretty clear the Spartans' program savior would probably rather not be there talking. Still, he diligently goes about press briefings as he does everything else – he grinds through it. Whoever told you life is fun?

13. Kirk Ferentz, Iowa

I'm checking now. ... Did he talk?

14. Tim Beckman, Illinois

Close your eyes and you can alternately see two figures – motivational speaker Matt Foley and the late BILLY MAYS FOR OXYCLEAN!

Almost as a gift to all of us, The Chicago Tribune released a massive special story on the eve of media days in which it interviewed 50 former Illini players about Beckman's alleged mistreatment of some team members – with not flattering responses. Writers were so fed up with his evasive non-answers that they practically whistled for him to be carted off.

Even BTN analyst Glen Mason panned his performance as looking like a guy who was flustered and just trying to stonewall. That's sort of news because you never hear ex-coaches rip current coaches on panel shows. It's sort of a window into how much this guy is disliked even among his own tribe.

Whenever Illinois finally decides to pitch this guy, I would seriously not be surprised to see him pop up on some religious cable channel in the 900 level on the dial. Maybe after an internship with Pastor Joel Osteen.



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Jimmy Troutbum 5ptsFeatured10 minutes ago

Western Michigan's JP Fleck will be the coach of Illinois next season and he is a dynamic speaker.

micdago 5ptsFeatured47 minutes ago

"If I was a recruit, I would not dismiss how a coach handles himself in front of reporters as a factor in choosing my mentor and teacher."

If I WERE a recruit.

RealZeel69 5ptsFeatured1 hour ago

Was off today and watched the PC's this morning.

I thought Kyle Flood came off as a buffoon. The person who asked question about Penn state was with The Daily Collegian. The guy couldn't answer a question from a college kid?

I am so tired of Jim Harbaugh's act and how the media buys in. The Big Ten media were like a bunch of teenage girls at a Taylor Swift meet and greet. "Jim, tell us about Paris....." No one bothered to ask who is QB is going to be. You know, a real question.

Mike Riley is a nice guy. Vince Lombardi will tell you where he'll finish.

Actually enjoyed Pat Fitzgerald. Though it was interesting on how he asked the question about recruiting to Northwestern's standards. Liked how he pointed out how was his responsibility as a coach to bring in young men of a high quality character.

River Phlegethon 5ptsFeatured9 minutes ago

@RealZeel69 boo hoo hoo.


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