Many thanks from Penn State to Nebraskan Tim Kelly (Re: Olbermann).

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Head Coach
May 29, 2001
Terrific letter from one of your fellow Nebraskans on behalf of our students at Penn State University. Many thanks to your community for this excellent show of support, among many other examples. Really wish the Big Ten preserved our crossover rivalry game. We'll just have to make it happen on our own in the B1G CCG -- every single year. ;-)


Best regards, Blackshirts.
Yeah I don't think most of us feel that way to be honest. Might be best to direct your thanks to the person that wrote that letter, as I don't think his attitude applies to a large percentage of our fan base. Most of us think Jo Pa was a scum bag at this point, and don't care much about your fan base one way or the other.
Originally posted by ChiTownLion:
Terrific letter from one of your fellow Nebraskans on behalf of our students at Penn State University. Many thanks to your community for this excellent show of support, among many other examples. Really wish the Big Ten preserved our crossover rivalry game. We'll just have to make it happen on our own in the B1G CCG -- every single year. ;-)


Best regards, Blackshirts.
This is a nice gesture on your part. Putting the JoPa and Sandusky charges aside, I personally hope our schools never play again. I`ve traveled to Happy Valley twice with my family for Husker games and have never been treated worse by a school`s fan base than yours. I do have a bit of experience having traveled to over 50 college venues over the years. We will never be back.
Olberman was over the top in regards to current students trying to do a good thing.

However, your fan base as a whole deserves everything that gets dished out upon it. As a whole you simply did not stand with victims but abusers...and then starting claiming yourselves as the victims. At this point, most of us do not have any desire to play you.
After our overtime win out there last year, we got on a shuttle to go try and warm up at our hotel. All the PSU fans could do was tell us how they were victims and that nobody knew anything. They all claim JoePa did the "right thing" by doing basically nothing. That town is a sick, sick place. My wife looked at me after we got to our hotel room "I think I heard your teeth cracking from gritting your teeth when those psychos were talking". What a terrible fan base. Less than 1 percent actually care about the victims.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
After our overtime win out there last year, we got on a shuttle to go try and warm up at our hotel. All the PSU fans could do was tell us how they were victims and that nobody knew anything. They all claim JoePa did the "right thing" by doing basically nothing. That town is a sick, sick place. My wife looked at me after we got to our hotel room "I think I heard your teeth cracking from gritting your teeth when those psychos were talking". What a terrible fan base. Less than 1 percent actually care about the victims.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Can't defend the indefensible. A low point in College Football for sure. I have been to many Big 12 and Pac 10 stadiums to support the Huskers and have always been treated well. I haven't been to a Big 10 stadium to watch the Huskers on the road, but I have heard that PSU, OSU and Mich fan bases just suck.
Originally posted by HuskerBorn:
Can't defend the indefensible. A low point in College Football for sure. I have been to many Big 12 and Pac 10 stadiums to support the Huskers and have always been treated well. I haven't been to a Big 10 stadium to watch the Huskers on the road, but I have heard that PSU, OSU and Mich fan bases just suck.
Add the Badgers to that group while placing them in the top half of that list. The Wisconsin fan base somewhat parallels that of the Buffs.
Hadn't heard that about Wisky. That's too bad. These Big10 fans need to get to a Lincoln for a college football environment unlike any other soon. Maybe it will rub off on them.
Originally posted by ChiTownLion:
Terrific letter from one of your fellow Nebraskans on behalf of our students at Penn State University. Many thanks to your community for this excellent show of support, among many other examples. Really wish the Big Ten preserved our crossover rivalry game. We'll just have to make it happen on our own in the B1G CCG -- every single year. ;-)
While I don't disagree with any of the responses concerning the despicable behavior of Penn State fans toward the competitor's fans, I think that overall the posters have decided to wallow with the pigs by ignoring your attempt to be friendly. I appreciate you coming over to our board to express your thanks. That's a classy move that indicates that not all of the Penn State fans are worthless POS.
G in Omaha and Chitown.

This board as well as most across the country feel the same. HTO and TT agreed in this thread....that alone should tell you how polarizing this subject is for your fans vs the rest of the country.

Our team knelt with yours on that Saturday in Happy Valley and I can honestly say I felt for your fans and team that day. Since then, it's been nothing but talk of keeping JoePas legacy and record intact.

What you and your fans don't see is that the rest of the country couldn't care less about joePa or the legacy or the records. And it sickens the rest of the country that is all you seem to care about. Your board is filled with threads on law suits and commisiion reports. Where are the threads for the victims? Where is the silence to let this pass so the victims and their families don't have to read EVERYDAY how bad things are for the PSU fan because JoePa legacy is tarnished? Cry me a f'ing river.

Don't give us a bunch of crap testimonies, or reports or whatever. Doesn't matter to the rest of the country. Get that through your heads.

There are few universities in this country that can say they had a powerful coach as JoePa at the helm. If the same had happened here under Tom, there is no way TO couldn't have pressed for more to be down. He had more power than anyone on campus and the state for that matter. If the same had happened here and the defense was that TO "did his job by reporting it" and then moved on, he would have been on an island.

So please don't look for sympathy from here or anywhere else until you guys figure out, the fight to find Joe innocent isn't the issue......its the loss of innocence of the victims you should be fighting for.
The students were working to do something positive for a good cause. Everything else is extra drama for people.
Attaboy Lion.......proves my point that your fan base is completely clueless to why most are sick of your school.
THON is a great cause, but the Olberman thing just gives the BWI wackos (which is hopefully not a true representation of their fanbase) another reason to play the victim. Then again some of those people believe Jerry Sandusky is innocent (or just want him to be found innocent because it will make Paterno look less slimy), just a cultish and really scary bunch in general.
Joseph Vincent Paterno - always will be a great man...Tom O. not so much

I urge all of you to read the Paterno Report - A Rush to Judgement. It's filled with FACTS and not the made up nonsense that the media has reported to the public. Mike McQueary has changed his story so many times that the entire shower incident is highly in doubt at that point. As FBI expert Jim Clemente has pointed out many times Jerry was very good at hiding his activities. No one had a clue what he was doing right up to the indictment in Nov. 2011. He fooled a lot of good people including JoePa, Tim Curley & Dr. Graham Spanier - the later two are innocent men and had nothing to do with this unfortunate incident. Joe never got his DUE PROCESS - he was convicted in the court of public opinion by a lazy public and media. The Paterno's, the alumni, the local business owners in Central PA and the fans have all been victimized for the last 3 years. Our own BOT sold Joe out because they were jealous of his success. BOT chair Ken Frazier has said so in recently uncovered emails by Ryan Bagwell. Ex-Gov Tom Corbutt had it out for Dr Spanier because of some political disagreements and he took the opportunity to take Graham down when the indictment came out. On top of all that you have the biggest lie of them all - the freeh "report". Completely made up crap that had no foundation in FACTS. This is what our corrupt BOT paid 6 million dollars for - a documented lynching of Joe Paterno, Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Dr Spanier.

As for some of the made up stories of being treated badly in State College and at Beaver Stadium - I call BS. Penn Stater's are some of the best fans in all of sports. Did you see how many people we packed into Yankee Stadium for the Pinstripe Bowl? That's real fan support. Penn Stater's are bright and informed and have always lived the values that JoePa taught - Success With Honor. They treat opposing fans with the utmost respect - always. Stop making up stories to support some false narrative. That's what freeh did.
hey husker fans, I finally learned how to do your math.

1. Your all pedophiles. FRANKLIN SCANDAL... HELLOOOO?
all pedo's, i know it. whole on it, gramma and all.... all
knew, Did nothing.

2. Your are all douches who throw fits during pickup
football games with teens and then run them over in your 89' T-Top black n
red Camaro.

3. You all make Dick Vermeil cry.

4. you all love cats.
Re: Joseph Vincent Paterno - always will be a great man...Tom O. not so much

Hoping you find competent counseling soon. Living in a state of illlusion with a cult of personality 24/7 is not healthy.
Re: Joseph Vincent Paterno - always will be a great man...Tom O. not so much

As for some of the made up stories of being treated badly in State College and at Beaver Stadium - I call BS. Penn Stater's are some of the best fans in all of sports. Did you see how many people we packed into Yankee Stadium for the Pinstripe Bowl? That's real fan support. Penn Stater's are bright and informed and have always lived the values that JoePa taught - Success With Honor. They treat opposing fans with the utmost respect - always. Stop making up stories to support some false narrative. That's what freeh did.

Re: Joseph Vincent Paterno - always will be a great man...Tom O. not so much

Originally posted by Southeastern PA Buck:
I urge all of you to read the Paterno Report - A Rush to Judgement. It's filled with FACTS and not the made up nonsense that the media has reported to the public. Mike McQueary has changed his story so many times that the entire shower incident is highly in doubt at that point. As FBI expert Jim Clemente has pointed out many times Jerry was very good at hiding his activities. No one had a clue what he was doing right up to the indictment in Nov. 2011. He fooled a lot of good people including JoePa, Tim Curley & Dr. Graham Spanier - the later two are innocent men and had nothing to do with this unfortunate incident. Joe never got his DUE PROCESS - he was convicted in the court of public opinion by a lazy public and media. The Paterno's, the alumni, the local business owners in Central PA and the fans have all been victimized for the last 3 years. Our own BOT sold Joe out because they were jealous of his success. BOT chair Ken Frazier has said so in recently uncovered emails by Ryan Bagwell. Ex-Gov Tom Corbutt had it out for Dr Spanier because of some political disagreements and he took the opportunity to take Graham down when the indictment came out. On top of all that you have the biggest lie of them all - the freeh "report". Completely made up crap that had no foundation in FACTS. This is what our corrupt BOT paid 6 million dollars for - a documented lynching of Joe Paterno, Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Dr Spanier.

As for some of the made up stories of being treated badly in State College and at Beaver Stadium - I call BS. Penn Stater's are some of the best fans in all of sports. Did you see how many people we packed into Yankee Stadium for the Pinstripe Bowl? That's real fan support. Penn Stater's are bright and informed and have always lived the values that JoePa taught - Success With Honor. They treat opposing fans with the utmost respect - always. Stop making up stories to support some false narrative. That's what freeh did.
LOL keep living in your fantasy world. As far as made up stories, I don`t need to make up anything it`s the truth. Your fan base at home games is an embarrassment to visiting fans. As usual you guys have a difficult time dealing with the truth. That`s your problem not mine. Not surprising to see your response though.
Welcome to the delusional world of PSU where they are the victims and JoePa got screwed.

If it seems like they don't get it at all, it's because they don't get it at all. They really bought into their school's marketing campaign of "Success with Honor". They truly think they are better than everybody else and always have been. JoePa is a demi-God to them. Just like the PSU senior administrators put the carefully crafted image of the football program above the well being of children being abused, PSU fans put the restoration of JoePa's wins above all else. Anytime you see a PSU fan reference "409" you know you're dealing with one of core cult freaks and a member of Joe Paterno's cult of personality...which remains as strong after his death as it was in life. Paterno was a big phony.

When the whole charade of "The Grand Experiment" and "Success with Honor" was proven to the world to be a fraud and a sham PSU fans didn't know how to handle it, so they tended to lash out at others.

As an aside, you are correct about the PSU fan base. They like to pat themselves on the back for being the greatest (notice a trend here?) but the reality is that they are vile and hostile to opposing fans.
Originally posted by pittguy81:
Welcome to the delusional world of PSU where they are the victims and JoePa got screwed.

If it seems like they don't get it at all, it's because they don't get it at all. They really bought into their school's marketing campaign of "Success with Honor". They truly think they are better than everybody else and always have been. JoePa is a demi-God to them. Just like the PSU senior administrators put the carefully crafted image of the football program above the well being of children being abused, PSU fans put the restoration of JoePa's wins above all else. Anytime you see a PSU fan reference "409" you know you're dealing with one of core cult freaks and a member of Joe Paterno's cult of personality...which remains as strong after his death as it was in life. Paterno was a big phony.

When the whole charade of "The Grand Experiment" and "Success with Honor" was proven to the world to be a fraud and a sham PSU fans didn't know how to handle it, so they tended to lash out at others.

As an aside, you are correct about the PSU fan base. They like to pat themselves on the back for being the greatest (notice a trend here?) but the reality is that they are vile and hostile to opposing fans.
Thanks for the post. Love your honesty. That is & was a very sad situation.
Consider yourselves lucky, Husker fans. While both Pitt and Nebraska were forced to live through the incompetence of Steve Pederson as AD, we had to deal with it TWICE. On top of that, we have to live and play in the same state as the JoeBot wackos. Some of them think that the victims were all making it up and they have used every conspiracy theory Imaginable to place blame on any entity they can think of.

They are disgusting and make me sick to my stomach.

Oh, and THON is a farce. Sure it helps sick kids, but only up to 15% of the money raised goes to the kids. The rest is placed into a PSU controlled endowment.
So this opinion you guys have that Paterno did something wrong. What is that based on?

1) The PA attorney general, Linda Kelly, praising Paterno for his appropriate actions.
2) The lead Sandusky prosecutor, Frank Fina, stating he found no evidence of a cover up
3) The former PA governor, Dick Thornburgh, who found Paterno acted appropriately.
4) The FBI expert on pedophilia, Jim Clemente, who found Paterno acted appropriately.
5) The recently released NCAA guidelines on dealing with suspected abuse that exactly mirror Paterno's actions.
6) The opinions of disgraced former FBI agent Louis Freeh, who didn't interview any of the key witnesses, who's opinion is based on 2 vague emails that Paterno didn't send or receive, who's report has been discredited by basically anyone who has ever read it, and has pretty much screwed up anything he has ever touched (FIFA, Deepwater Horizon, Richard Jewell, PSU, etc)

I'd really like to know, because Bob Costas doesn't think Paterno was actively involved in a cover up...and I am not smarter than him. All the above is fact and readily verified with a little help from google. I may be a crazy cult member, but I have an open mind if you can explain to me why Paterno is guilty despite all the facts presented above, I'd like to learn. I'd like to open it up to all PSU administrators... who haven't had their trial yet, and thus haven't been convicted of anything.

Seems that if you really cared about the victims you would do some research, because keeping the spotlight on the wrong people doesn't fix the problem. The CPW, CYS and TSM let Sandusky roam free for years, and have received zero scrutiny. They approved Jerry for multiple adoptions, they cleared Jerry in 1998, and ignored the report PSU made about Sandusky in 2001. So by blaming the wrong people, you are actually an enabler.
Oh good gawd PSU fans go away already. Go live in your own little world where Jo Pa is still the man, because nobody around here cares about him, you, or his stupid legacy, which will forever be an enabler of the worst kind. Go. Away.
You know when Husker fans think your lower then pond scrum you got problems.
A good majority of you missed the cult action late last night, it was fun while it lasted. Still didn't stop other child molesting supporting cult members to stop by this morning. Sick group of people.
PSU fans are always good for a laugh. If you don't think Joe Paterno is innocent, check out the unbiased Paterno report. Even more hilarious is calling other people enablers for judging Paterno sitting on his hands years after the fact. Hysterical.

I feel really bad for the few PSU fans who aren't complete wackjobs.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Wow lay off the drugs my man, I went to Penn State

in 01 or 02 what ever the year was and there was pure venom in the air that night. Every Husker Fan that day heard "_uck Nebraska" many, many times. I also went as a guest of PSU fans and they treated us like family but that still didn't prevent us from being badgered many, many times at the game. So although there are many great PSU fans, as there are for every school, you have more than your fair share of morons.
Well, your well laid out argument is full of insightful facts and analysis. You've done a great job keeping emotion and opinion out of your argument. And have fully proved your point of view and completely disproved the points I presented. Were you captain of the debate team?

You guys think we are the crazy ones? All I've asked was go you to help me understand why you think what you think... And so far you've proven my point, your opinion has no factual basis. Shouldn't it be super easy to articulate the facts that back up your opinion?
Good God. I hope this mindset that actually believes reports and lies by the Joebackers gets bleached from the gene pool. And quickly. Maybe then common decency can move forward. First, JoePa was innocent, now the victims made everything up, and Sandusky was innocent. We get it, you are all ok with child rape and covering it up. We will never be ok with that, no matter how many false reports and wannabe "facts" you can dream up. ****ing sickos.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by pandaczar12:
Well, your well laid out argument is full of insightful facts and analysis. You've done a great job keeping emotion and opinion out of your argument. And have fully proved your point of view and completely disproved the points I presented. Were you captain of the debate team?

You guys think we are the crazy ones? All I've asked was go you to help me understand why you think what you think... And so far you've proven my point, your opinion has no factual basis. Shouldn't it be super easy to articulate the facts that back up your opinion?
People are sick of wasting their time trying to convince PSU cultists that something very wrong occurred and Joe Pa didn't do enough (by his own admission) to stop what was going on. If you won't take your prophet's word for it, what can I say that would convince you? Nothing.
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