Brandon Reilly

If he felt disrespected by his server and didn't want to tip him, more power to him. But what does he expect to get by tweeting it out? How about you keep your private life private and hit the gym so you don't get hurt everytime you get touched.
here's the appropriate tip for the waiter

"I didn't throw 4 interceptions. we need eaton asap. I'll take fries with that"
No problem with him doing it, although I wouldn't. Criticism becomes different to us as we age, as we mature and/or become indifferent. Not tipping, to me, is passive aggressive. Tell your server why they are failing you. "Trey" will learn the lesson (about keeping your opinions private) by open discussion. Not tipping or being around for accountability only leaves "Trey" with the assumption you're an ass.
Reilly seems like a decent guy, but was he as public with all the praise he received after his catch against MSU (serious question, I don't know)? Can't have it both ways, when you have passionate fans. When you are great or you stink, you're going to hear about it.
The server was pry doing his job but he is in nebraska so maybe someone asked him his thoughts on the Huskers season? Dick move on Reilly part. Unless the kid was horrible and never came back after taking your order this is a no no. Sorry BR, but the server for whatever he said about the huskers isn't wrong at least this year ;)
If he felt disrespected by his server and didn't want to tip him, more power to him. But what does he expect to get by tweeting it out? How about you keep your private life private and hit the gym so you don't get hurt everytime you get touched.
That was Kenny Bell, but agree overall!
Somehow I have the feeling your opinion of this is colored by your opinion of the coaching staff and the team as a whole. I guarantee there are people who think this is a terrible thing to do who would have thought it was awesome when the previous staff was around.
I don't know how old everyone commenting on this board is, but the reality is that people of the younger generation share EVERYTHING publicly. As much as you want to say "keep that private" that generation simply didn't grow up in a time and place where that exists. They are the opposite of diary generation. They are sad, they post on social media. They are happy, they post on social media. They are getting a piece of chicken, they post on social media. It is a different day and age, so to those that continue to say "stay off social media", you are simply wasting your breath (or keystrokes.)
I don't know how old everyone commenting on this board is, but the reality is that people of the younger generation share EVERYTHING publicly. As much as you want to say "keep that private" that generation simply didn't grow up in a time and place where that exists. They are the opposite of diary generation. They are sad, they post on social media. They are happy, they post on social media. They are getting a piece of chicken, they post on social media. It is a different day and age, so to those that continue to say "stay off social media", you are simply wasting your breath (or keystrokes.)
How about stop being a trick on social media? Is that too much to ask?
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To each their own, but I have never left a restaurant without leaving a tip, ever. No matter how bad something was, I never felt like it was the server's fault I guess, at least not enough to do that to somebody anyway.

I'm with ya on the "those things should stay private" but as chicolby already mentioned, younger folks now-a-days think nothing of telling the whole world about their life through social media. My 16 y/o daughter goes to school with a friend she grew up with in our neighborhood, she's a cute girl that doesn't need to slut it up so much for attention, but nonetheless, she thinks nothing of send the most nasty and vile texts showing all over her body sans clothes. Bragging about who she's been with. Freaking 16, and tells the whole world about her sex life and there are literally hundreds of naked pics of her floating around school, and she isn't the only one. Just a different age now I guess.
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Wonder what the context of the "bashing on a team" was. Not a very savvy server move esp. if you're close to campus. BUT, if his guests at a nearby table started up about it, what's he supposed to do?

Childish of BR to go roundabout on the "do you know who I am" card like that. No, bro, we don't know who you are unless you have a jersey on. You're not quite Odell Beckham just yet. I wouldn't know BR if he was standing in front of me. HOWEVER, I could figure out based on how those guys are usually built and dressed when they were probably an athlete.

I waited on football players a bunch of times at Lazlo's and other than telling Suh "nice game" once, I never discussed football with them or otherwise let on that I recognized them. Particularly when McKeon would come in. Figured he proooooobably didn't wanna talk about it.

That said, unless the guy was ripping the team to your face and really going out of bounds about it (see what I did there?), it's childish not to tip over something like that. Even more childish to post it to social media. Coaches won't be happy with his decision making on that one. Tip based on whether the server did a good job bringing you food and drink quickly and accurately. Football is a topic of discussion in Lincoln, maybe get used to that.

Again and for always, STOP FIGHTING WITH FANS. NOT A GOOD LOOK. Just another example of how this team is too quick to look for somebody else to take their problems out on. The guy who caused your problems over being mad you lost will be wearing the #4 jersey when you report back to practice for your consolation bowl.
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I don't know how old everyone commenting on this board is, but the reality is that people of the younger generation share EVERYTHING publicly. As much as you want to say "keep that private" that generation simply didn't grow up in a time and place where that exists. They are the opposite of diary generation. They are sad, they post on social media. They are happy, they post on social media. They are getting a piece of chicken, they post on social media. It is a different day and age, so to those that continue to say "stay off social media", you are simply wasting your breath (or keystrokes.)
Not everything. When someone gets a raise here it is all over social media with "selfies" of the celebration at the pizza parlor. When I slap someone down for being lazy and possibly stupid, that news doesn't seem to hit the wire. It is the same thing with cell phones. I have often heard people at the airport shouting into cell phones about “We made a killing on that deal” or “We took those girls back to the hotel”, or “My niece won the state championship”. I have never heard “My company got fired” or “The girls came up, but I had ED” or “My niece got arrested for hooking”
Assuming the waiter was either rude or provided terrible service, I don't have a problem with no tip. Some people (former waiters, no doubt) act like that is some kind of unforgivable sin. Not me.

But I don't see what is to be gained by putting it on twitter. You should know beforehand that a large chunk of society gets by on tip income, and most of them will think less of you. And what do you get in return? Are some fist bumps from your buddies worth alienating a whole class of people?

Personally, this is not a big deal. Just another case of young people not thinking things through before they act. I was guilty of that once or twice.
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Assuming the waiter was either rude or provided terrible service, I don't have a problem with no tip. Some people (former waiters, no doubt) act like that is some kind of unforgivable sin. Not me.

But I don't see what is to be gained by putting it on twitter. You should know beforehand that a large chunk of society gets by on tip income, and most of them will think less of you. And what do you get in return? Are some fist bumps from your buddies worth alienating a whole class of people?

Personally, this is not a big deal. Just another case of young people not thinking things through before they act. I was guilty of that once or twice.
To a point. If it's so bad that you're not going to tip at all, then you should be speaking to a manager because they need to know they have such an unacceptable server. The manager will usually want the chance to make something right.

IMO it's bad tip for bad service, good tip for good service. Where it gets annoying is when you find the people looking for an excuse to get offended or they wanna dock the server for something beyond their control like the chicken was dry or the air conditioning was too cold. Fair is fair, but cheap is cheap.
Did not like his server at a Lincoln restaurant and didn't leave a tip. That I completely agree with. Have done that maybe twice in my lifetime, left a zero on the tip line. However, tweeting it? Um, no. Kind of a d-move.
He has every right to not tip. I really don't agree with tips in the first place. It is basically a way for business to not have to pay their employees. The waiter also has every right to trash talk a crappy team when they are crappy it is his opinion. Riley then going to twitter and posting it like it was some proud moment is a bit disappointing. This younger generation for 1, using social media way to much and 2 have no spine. They let things get to them way to easily.
Reilly is responding to all kinds of fan stuff on Facebook. He really needs to delete social media. Will save himself some sanity.