Will Coach Williams be allowed to recruit during his suspension? Does...


Oct 23, 2009
his four games suspension include interaction with recruits? We need him working his magic for the Fresno State game... that is shaping up to be the best group of recruits in Lincoln in a very long time! GBR!
From Hail Varsity:

[After the suspension] Williams will take part in Nebraska’s practices and meetings but will not be in attendance at any of the Huskers’ first four games and will not take part in any recruiting events scheduled on those days.

The way I read the bold, he will be able to interact on Friday and Sunday, but not Saturday.
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From what I have heard, without any official confirmation, his suspension just states he cannot coach. It is everyone's consensus that he will still be able to interact with recruits on their visit.
My take is that he cannot coach in the first 4 games. It doesn't state that he can't coach at practices or that he can't recruit. IMO you are correct.
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I am hopeful that he can... He and Bray have to be salivating with the prospects in town next weekend and their ability to close the deal!