Why is Howard Griffith...

Hoosker Du

Nebraska Football Hall of Fame
Dec 11, 2001
In the studio now and not with Revsine and Dinardo? Howard Griffith is great, Dave Revsine is great, DiNardo is average, and Anthony Adams is f'ing horrible. How many times can a human being say "I mean" in a sentence?
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Have been wondering the same thing. My only guess is with Howard having young kids he maybe doesn't want to travel every weekend, and would rather stay in Chicago.

And yeah "Spice" Adams is awful. BTN needs to throw a bunch of money at Robert Smith and get him full time, instead of him part-time splitting with Fox.
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Have been wondering the same thing. My only guess is with Howard having young kids he maybe doesn't want to travel every weekend, and would rather stay in Chicago.

And yeah "Spice" Adams is awful. BTN needs to throw a bunch of money at Robert Smith and get him full time, instead of him part-time splitting with Fox.

I thought the same thing about the travel. But Adams is terrible. Him eating the Slim Jim while he was talking was the last straw. I turned it.
Have been wondering the same thing. My only guess is with Howard having young kids he maybe doesn't want to travel every weekend, and would rather stay in Chicago.

And yeah "Spice" Adams is awful. BTN needs to throw a bunch of money at Robert Smith and get him full time, instead of him part-time splitting with Fox.

Doesn't Fox own about 49% of the BTN?
In the studio now and not with Revsine and Dinardo? Howard Griffith is great, Dave Revsine is great, DiNardo is average, and Anthony Adams is f'ing horrible. How many times can a human being say "I mean" in a sentence?

Agree on HG. Really like him.
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Revsine and Dinardo are both horrible IMO. Still butthurt we beat Indiana.
Anthony Adams is unwatchable... It's gotten awkward as hell between the three when he speaks because he has nothing at all worth while to say in the least. HG is missed terribly in that group.