Who else had no idea the NBA draft was last nite?

Looks like an indication of level of interest by some Husker fans. Maybe the Nebraska program will start turning out more players that will get drafted and we will pay attention more?
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I can't believe people actually watch sports drafts. Seems like a huge waste of time. You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.
“You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.”
Couldn’t you say the same thing about anything? ‘Why watch a game, I can just look at the box score afterwards?’ ‘Why get to know Bob, I can just read his obituary after he’s dead’?…

With that being said, i personally don’t find much enjoyment watching drafts.
“You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.”
Couldn’t you say the same thing about anything? ‘Why watch a game, I can just look at the box score afterwards?’ ‘Why get to know Bob, I can just read his obituary after he’s dead’?…

With that being said, i personally don’t find much enjoyment watching drafts.

NFL draft is fun...couldn't pay me to watc any other draft but I ike the first round of the NFL. After that I lose interest pretty quick
“You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.”
Couldn’t you say the same thing about anything? ‘Why watch a game, I can just look at the box score afterwards?’ ‘Why get to know Bob, I can just read his obituary after he’s dead’?…

With that being said, i personally don’t find much enjoyment watching drafts.
Games and life are not the same, doc. There’s action.
I can’t stand basketball anymore.

I liked it back with Magic, Bird, Jordan.. up until the Kobe/Shaq years. Haven’t watched it at all really the past 10+ years. It’s unwatchable and the players are lame.
Reffing sucks balls

Good riddance!
“You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.”
Couldn’t you say the same thing about anything? ‘Why watch a game, I can just look at the box score afterwards?’ ‘Why get to know Bob, I can just read his obituary after he’s dead’?…

With that being said, i personally don’t find much enjoyment watching drafts.
Yeah I would never make it a point to sit down and watch the NBA Draft, but it was at the top of the "something to watch while on the Stairmaster" list. And I will say that as TV talking heads go, Richard Jefferson and Jay Bilas were pretty good. Gave some nice insights on the players and what each team would be looking for. Exceeded my low expectations.
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Hahaha. I'm so lame.

....only point of interest for me is to see if lil bronni gets drafted by his dad, so i can lol if it doesn't happen. To be fair i'm going to lol either way.
How can I have this information when I have watched 0.0 minutes of NBA in the last five years?
“You can just see the list of draft picks at the end.”
Couldn’t you say the same thing about anything? ‘Why watch a game, I can just look at the box score afterwards?’ ‘Why get to know Bob, I can just read his obituary after he’s dead’?…

With that being said, i personally don’t find much enjoyment watching drafts.

No. A game is entertaining. A guy reading names at a podium is not entertaining.

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