Whitlock pulls no punches

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Sweet, glad to read about somebody of color with a platform to stand on, denounce the nonsense that is Columbia & Ferguson.
Its nice too know that when they look back from the future, there will be articles like this; showing we were not all simply out of our minds. He correctly represents the strengths I see in my friends of color; people living in the real world. Sadly many don't want to go where the greatest need is : its hard work with little recognition and is dangerous. I am grateful for his article.
Sweet, glad to read about somebody of color with a platform to stand on, denounce the nonsense that is Columbia & Ferguson.
Another trumped up bunch of BS with the collusion of liberal brainwashing this generation of college students to be powerless victims, with the aid of the left leaning media's thirst to push a false narrative to forward their agenda.

Look whose running today's college campuses; none other than yesterday's hippies. And people wonder why what's up is now down, what's common sense is now offensive and moral relatively makes any agenda justified.
Another trumped up bunch of BS with the collusion of liberal brainwashing this generation of college students to be powerless victims, with the aid of the left leaning media's thirst to push a false narrative to forward their agenda.

Look whose running today's college campuses; none other than yesterday's hippies. And people wonder why what's up is now down, what's common sense is now offensive and moral relatively makes any agenda justified.

Another trumped up bunch of BS with the collusion of liberal brainwashing this generation of college students to be powerless victims, with the aid of the left leaning media's thirst to push a false narrative to forward their agenda.

Look whose running today's college campuses; none other than yesterday's hippies. And people wonder why what's up is now down, what's common sense is now offensive and moral relatively makes any agenda justified.

Far too broad of a stroke.
Far too broad of a stroke.

When it comes to liberals this board doesn't paint with broad strokes, it simply dumps over the whole can of paint. The irony is that the talking points of anti-liberalism are all taken from the mainstream media. Alas. Regardless, I hope for a change in our culture that allows for civil disagreement without the need for extremism, on either side.
That was a fun read. You know we've come a long way in America when we define the low-crime areas of a city as unsafe, and the high-crime areas as safe. Let's all chant the mantra: "De-evolution is not real . . . " If you're lazy like me you can just chant "Devo is not real . . . "Laughing
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I don't care what political affiliation you are. Just tell the truth so we the people can make an honest assessment of the situation.

The media has failed us. That's where all people's angst should be pointed. They are in bed with political parties instead of being on the side of the people.
I don't care what political affiliation you are. Just tell the truth so we the people can make an honest assessment of the situation.

The media has failed us. That's where all people's angst should be pointed. They are in bed with political parties instead of being on the side of the people.

True, but the people can't be sheeple. Do your homework and decide for yourself. Inform, not conform!
True, but the people can't be sheeple. Do your homework and decide for yourself. Inform, not conform!

You bring up a worthy point. Back in 1970 you basically had to swallow whatever the local paper or radio/TV station were peddling. Unless you wanted to quit your job and spend every day fact-checking them. Now with the internet/social media/open resources and every political persuasion owning their own media outlet, you get to wade thru all the sales pitches. It may be daunting for some. But I find it liberating.
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I don't care what political affiliation you are. Just tell the truth so we the people can make an honest assessment of the situation.

The media has failed us. That's where all people's angst should be pointed. They are in bed with political parties instead of being on the side of the people.

This. The media has completely and utterly failed us. They're driven by ratings and profits and not substance. They've driven the extremism we see in both parties.
I for one am just glad there is no bias in Hollywood and they can bring us all the . . .

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brilliant article linked by OP. sad thing is this is the truth but a white guy is not allowed to utter these words of wisdom
Unfortunately, politics are just a way of life. It doesn't matter if it is the media spinning a story for their own benefit, or your boss or rival at the workplace spinning a situation to their benefit or a coach spinning a situation or a player using politics to get more playing time on the field.

As kids we are taught how things should be, and then as we become adults, we realize that reality does not always match what was taught as ideals. Life is not like an animated kids show where everyone is honest, and people all tell the truth.

For some, that discrepancy is quite a rude awakening.

I don't think it means we can't try to do better, but certainly I feel this country has lost much of it's moral compass as people chase wealth in the form of money at any cost.

So while that is a great article, it was also written with 'entertainment' value, to get clicks and views. Politics, just the same. This isn't really anything new on college campuses, taking up some idealistic cause in light of finding out that the world really isn't like the storybook you were told as a child.
Here we go again with trying to pick on one or two examples like they disprove the existence of any other problem.

There's good stuff in the OP, but as usual, some of you are back to your old script of cracking open a Busch Lite and being like, "See? Anyone tryin' ta tell you racist stuff happens just wants free money."

How great this article is for all you oppressed white guys on the board who just can't get ahead in life with stuff like this going on. This must be a real watershed for you.

Anyone who tries to suggest that somebody else is not allowed to combat some other injustice while gangs still exist gets an immediate eye roll from me. Classic logical fallacy. It doesn't work like that. There's not some "most wanted list" of problems facing the world and the others are invalid until the top one is solved.

It's awful that people do racist things. It's awful that a child got shot. Those two events have nothing to do with each other and it's a reductionist distraction tactic of mediocre thinkers to suggest that they do.

I haven't gotten that into the Mizzou thing, maybe that grad student is a tool. But so what? Does one guy being a knob somehow invalidate the fact that THIS YEAR people are still throwing very public fits when somebody points out that the confederate flag was the symbol of people who fought and died to try to keep slavery alive? (Don't you dare try to say that's not what the civil war was about, if you do you fail history.)

I don't get what dog you guys think you have in this fight. So the kid has rich parents. So it may not be directly Wolfe's fault that some redneck got tooled up and made a shit-stika. What does that prove? That things are not always all one way or another? Boy, there's breaking news.

But I'm sure you'll be calling up dermatologists tomorrow to see if they can help you get down on the gravy train that is being black. You know, since it's so great and all.
"Here we go again with trying to pick on one or two examples like they disprove the existence of any other problem."

"One or two examples" of stuff that never happened burnt down a lot of building and ruined a lot of lives. Whitlock is as qualified as anyone to write about it, and I think he made a lot of great points and plenty of black and white people agree with him.

Using my favorite brand of beer against me makes it look like you discriminate against somebody based on their favorite beer. How intolerant of you.
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For years Jason Whitlock has been mocked on this board. Until now! Haha

(PS - I agree it's a good article)
Here we go again with trying to pick on one or two examples like they disprove the existence of any other problem.

There's good stuff in the OP, but as usual, some of you are back to your old script of cracking open a Busch Lite and being like, "See? Anyone tryin' ta tell you racist stuff happens just wants free money."

How great this article is for all you oppressed white guys on the board who just can't get ahead in life with stuff like this going on. This must be a real watershed for you.

Anyone who tries to suggest that somebody else is not allowed to combat some other injustice while gangs still exist gets an immediate eye roll from me. Classic logical fallacy. It doesn't work like that. There's not some "most wanted list" of problems facing the world and the others are invalid until the top one is solved.

It's awful that people do racist things. It's awful that a child got shot. Those two events have nothing to do with each other and it's a reductionist distraction tactic of mediocre thinkers to suggest that they do.

I haven't gotten that into the Mizzou thing, maybe that grad student is a tool. But so what? Does one guy being a knob somehow invalidate the fact that THIS YEAR people are still throwing very public fits when somebody points out that the confederate flag was the symbol of people who fought and died to try to keep slavery alive? (Don't you dare try to say that's not what the civil war was about, if you do you fail history.)

I don't get what dog you guys think you have in this fight. So the kid has rich parents. So it may not be directly Wolfe's fault that some redneck got tooled up and made a shit-stika. What does that prove? That things are not always all one way or another? Boy, there's breaking news.

But I'm sure you'll be calling up dermatologists tomorrow to see if they can help you get down on the gravy train that is being black. You know, since it's so great and all.

Kinda cool that you brought up the confederate flag, which is the flag of the Democrat party. Yeah, you failed history if you claim that not to be true. Just like you failed history if you deny that as soon as Jim Crow laws (put in place by Democrats) were repealed progressives put blacks on the welfare plantation, and have to keep them there if they want their votes. Just like people fail history (see your colleague above you) when they claim the pursuit of money is responsible for all the evil in the world when in fact market economies have lifted enormous numbers out of poverty while collectivist fantasies have done the opposite.

Talk about history fail.
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Here we go again with trying to pick on one or two examples like they disprove the existence of any other problem.

There's good stuff in the OP, but as usual, some of you are back to your old script of cracking open a Busch Lite and being like, "See? Anyone tryin' ta tell you racist stuff happens just wants free money."

How great this article is for all you oppressed white guys on the board who just can't get ahead in life with stuff like this going on. This must be a real watershed for you.

Anyone who tries to suggest that somebody else is not allowed to combat some other injustice while gangs still exist gets an immediate eye roll from me. Classic logical fallacy. It doesn't work like that. There's not some "most wanted list" of problems facing the world and the others are invalid until the top one is solved.

It's awful that people do racist things. It's awful that a child got shot. Those two events have nothing to do with each other and it's a reductionist distraction tactic of mediocre thinkers to suggest that they do.

I haven't gotten that into the Mizzou thing, maybe that grad student is a tool. But so what? Does one guy being a knob somehow invalidate the fact that THIS YEAR people are still throwing very public fits when somebody points out that the confederate flag was the symbol of people who fought and died to try to keep slavery alive? (Don't you dare try to say that's not what the civil war was about, if you do you fail history.)

I don't get what dog you guys think you have in this fight. So the kid has rich parents. So it may not be directly Wolfe's fault that some redneck got tooled up and made a shit-stika. What does that prove? That things are not always all one way or another? Boy, there's breaking news.

But I'm sure you'll be calling up dermatologists tomorrow to see if they can help you get down on the gravy train that is being black. You know, since it's so great and all.
So you downplay "one or two examples" and admit not following the Mizzou thing. Seems like if you dug into it with an open mind, you would logically feel the same. But I am seriously doubting that would be what happens.
Kinda cool that you brought up the confederate flag, which is the flag of the Democrat party. Yeah, you failed history if you claim that not to be true. Just like you failed history if you deny that as soon as Jim Crow laws (put in place by Democrats) were repealed progressives put blacks on the welfare plantation, and have to keep them there if they want their votes. Just like people fail history (see your colleague above you) when they claim the pursuit of money is responsible for all the evil in the world when in fact market economies have lifted enormous numbers out of poverty while collectivist fantasies have done the opposite.

Talk about history fail.
You're awful at this. The Democrat/Republican flip happened a long time ago and while the name of the party persists, its platform holds zero remnants from those policies and the sides switched in large part due to the discrimination of southern policy.

Keep plugging away at that "blue vs red" straw man.
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