What the NATION is Saying?
Let me explain this seasons "What the Nation is Saying?" It will always have the 4-OOC opponents this season, along with 6 additional teams that you can pick. If you feel a team doesn't live up to par, name that team and suggest another team I should replace them with and I'll try to work out the switch for the next WTNIS. Thank you and enjoy!
- 5 Nebraska players suspended
- Has anyone ever seen Nebraska's Tommy Armstrong Jr. and Harvey Jackson in the same place
- Most overlooked improvement to the Marriott Center: No more uneven steps
- Nebraska players out vs. BYU
- Possible 5 Nebraska players suspended for Y game?
- Don't get Hep C folks.
South Alabama
- Mrs. Juice and I STILL All Jagged Up
-O/T: Want to be in a movie/Wearing Jag gear and cheering on USA?
-Four-Star Darius Whitfield Puts South Alabama Among his Leaders
- Possible surprise "breakout" performer?
-Gary/Matt: my "I know I'm paranoid" question
-Please don't hype Nebraska as a "good" team. They suck
- This Team should have NO PROBLEM with Nebraska or Cinncinatti!
- SMDH ... Irving Fryar
- when will our special teams be Special again?
- Looking at the size,speed and depth at WR, T.E, and RB we are going to be Unstoppable !!
- Miami better get it right with its next hire.
- Remember Robert Marve
-Golden threw players under the bus & benched them if they didn't play the PSU way -Bennie Blades (PAGE 1-2)
-Miami got it right this time with the hiring of Golden
-What do we do about a Twelfth game,
-We need a big sign for the State game
-Can we trust these people in our stadium?
-Watermelon Patch in Covington County
- Chord Cutting Trend #
-RV Parking WE Want No Leg Humpers
-Lincoln, NE hotel recommendations
-Are there players on here?
- Republicans and Abortion (PAGE 1-3)
-Divorce lawyer in Houston (for daughter)
-A2M Ag and other lawyers...(trial by combat related)
-Attorneys that deal with mortgages?
-Weed/Grass Identifying help??
- Lets talk us some Wine (PAGE 1-2)
-Why are cops so scared of dogs?
-How To Make Sure You Get Fired
-A woman ran the London Marathon without a tampon to protest period-shaming
- The Jesus Story (PAGE 1-3)
- Watson
-Drone Caught by Fisherman
-Wife Says I Use too Much Data - Blames Rivals
-Old people and talking in the bathroom at work
-OT - In need of aggressive custody atty in Houston
-OT: Attorney Brethren, Question on Small Claims Court
-Airline to start weighing passengers (PAGE 1-2)
-Do you use your sink in your outdoor kitchen?
-Tinder and the Dating Apocalypse (PAGE 1-2)
-Man drops 476 large on corporate card for online strippers (PAGE 1-2)
-Breaking News: Harry Vincent sorta reinstated as TCU student (PAGE 1-6)
-What is an Unclaimed National Title?
- Kill didn't know TCU was scheduled
-Oregon Unis glow in the dark, no really, they glow! (PAGE 1-2)
-Gary Patterson has a preseason superstition involving safaris
-SportsCenter to visit Alabama on Aug. 14
-Just picked up my 3 year old, gonna let master Sabin sign his 2011 NC shirt tomorrow
-Lane Kiffin back for "sophomore year"
-Kenyan Drake and sorority girls...
- Have you ventured to Sorority Row for any rush action? (LOCK)
-AU has UA "ungrabbable" jersey. Here's UA's "Ultra-Grabbable" shorts
-How much Tabasco should I slather on this Big Bad Breakfast?
-Ever eaten a fuzzy taco?
-Do you let delivery people use your restroom?
-But he gotta eat the booty like groceries
-When is it okay to spank your nephew? (PAGE 1-2)
-Ok I give... Jorts? Count me in!
-Most miserable game at JH has to be Nebraska in 1982...It was hot as hell and AU got curb stomped** (PAGE 1-2)
-If you don't check your order before leaving the drive-thru, then...
-Who's the guy who keeps asking Gus the jerk questions in the press conferences?
-Five Practices: Zero Interceptions
-Oregon To Play Montana in 2019
- Terry Wilson -- Visiting earlier?
- No Spain trip for Basketball Team
-Vernon Adams passes test, officially joins Oregon
-VA passes
-Adams passes test per Bruce Feldman
-Vernon Adams eligible to enroll at Oregon
- Eastern Washington Wont Allow Vernon Adams Back
Let me explain this seasons "What the Nation is Saying?" It will always have the 4-OOC opponents this season, along with 6 additional teams that you can pick. If you feel a team doesn't live up to par, name that team and suggest another team I should replace them with and I'll try to work out the switch for the next WTNIS. Thank you and enjoy!
- 5 Nebraska players suspended
- Has anyone ever seen Nebraska's Tommy Armstrong Jr. and Harvey Jackson in the same place
- Most overlooked improvement to the Marriott Center: No more uneven steps
- Nebraska players out vs. BYU
- Possible 5 Nebraska players suspended for Y game?
- Don't get Hep C folks.
South Alabama
- Mrs. Juice and I STILL All Jagged Up
-O/T: Want to be in a movie/Wearing Jag gear and cheering on USA?
-Four-Star Darius Whitfield Puts South Alabama Among his Leaders
- Possible surprise "breakout" performer?
-Gary/Matt: my "I know I'm paranoid" question
-Please don't hype Nebraska as a "good" team. They suck
- This Team should have NO PROBLEM with Nebraska or Cinncinatti!
- SMDH ... Irving Fryar
- when will our special teams be Special again?
- Looking at the size,speed and depth at WR, T.E, and RB we are going to be Unstoppable !!
- Miami better get it right with its next hire.
- Remember Robert Marve
-Golden threw players under the bus & benched them if they didn't play the PSU way -Bennie Blades (PAGE 1-2)
-Miami got it right this time with the hiring of Golden
-What do we do about a Twelfth game,
-We need a big sign for the State game
-Can we trust these people in our stadium?
-Watermelon Patch in Covington County
- Chord Cutting Trend #
-RV Parking WE Want No Leg Humpers
-Lincoln, NE hotel recommendations
-Are there players on here?
- Republicans and Abortion (PAGE 1-3)
-Divorce lawyer in Houston (for daughter)
-A2M Ag and other lawyers...(trial by combat related)
-Attorneys that deal with mortgages?
-Weed/Grass Identifying help??
- Lets talk us some Wine (PAGE 1-2)
-Why are cops so scared of dogs?
-How To Make Sure You Get Fired
-A woman ran the London Marathon without a tampon to protest period-shaming
- The Jesus Story (PAGE 1-3)
- Watson
-Drone Caught by Fisherman
-Wife Says I Use too Much Data - Blames Rivals
-Old people and talking in the bathroom at work
-OT - In need of aggressive custody atty in Houston
-OT: Attorney Brethren, Question on Small Claims Court
-Airline to start weighing passengers (PAGE 1-2)
-Do you use your sink in your outdoor kitchen?
-Tinder and the Dating Apocalypse (PAGE 1-2)
-Man drops 476 large on corporate card for online strippers (PAGE 1-2)
-Breaking News: Harry Vincent sorta reinstated as TCU student (PAGE 1-6)
-What is an Unclaimed National Title?
- Kill didn't know TCU was scheduled
-Oregon Unis glow in the dark, no really, they glow! (PAGE 1-2)
-Gary Patterson has a preseason superstition involving safaris
-SportsCenter to visit Alabama on Aug. 14
-Just picked up my 3 year old, gonna let master Sabin sign his 2011 NC shirt tomorrow
-Lane Kiffin back for "sophomore year"
-Kenyan Drake and sorority girls...
- Have you ventured to Sorority Row for any rush action? (LOCK)
-AU has UA "ungrabbable" jersey. Here's UA's "Ultra-Grabbable" shorts
-How much Tabasco should I slather on this Big Bad Breakfast?
-Ever eaten a fuzzy taco?
-Do you let delivery people use your restroom?
-But he gotta eat the booty like groceries
-When is it okay to spank your nephew? (PAGE 1-2)
-Ok I give... Jorts? Count me in!
-Most miserable game at JH has to be Nebraska in 1982...It was hot as hell and AU got curb stomped** (PAGE 1-2)
-If you don't check your order before leaving the drive-thru, then...
-Who's the guy who keeps asking Gus the jerk questions in the press conferences?
-Five Practices: Zero Interceptions
-Oregon To Play Montana in 2019
- Terry Wilson -- Visiting earlier?
- No Spain trip for Basketball Team
-Vernon Adams passes test, officially joins Oregon
-VA passes
-Adams passes test per Bruce Feldman
-Vernon Adams eligible to enroll at Oregon
- Eastern Washington Wont Allow Vernon Adams Back