What Does 'It's All Politics' Actually Mean?

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This is just my opinion. I think the powers that be in the democratic party want nothing more in this life than to get Trump out. They will kill, riot, destory lives, crash economies and do anything else legal and not to ensure he does not win reelection. Most elections are won and lost based on what the economy is doing. Trumps economy has been way too good. They needed a way to tank the economy, get people pissed off, angry, depressed, hopeless, and fearful. They need people to feel like their only option for things to be better is to vote Trump out.
Enter COVID 19. I don't believe it was created or intentionally released. I think it is legit and very contagious. I don't think it is any more scary or deadly than the flu. Many docs, nurses, and data is also suggesting the same thing. However the dems saw a golden opportunity to blow this up, lock things down and tank the economy. They George Floyd came along and they seized another opportunity to cause havoc and create panic and fear in the american people. Tie the looting, riots, fear and civil unrest with unemployment, uncertainty, depression and fear from the "deadly" virus and it is a perfect recipe to make people fearful and long for change.
Sorry took the long way around. Now as far as the question how are the playing politics with football? The same way they are with the virus and george floyd situation. College football is a multi billion dollar industry. It affects millions of people lives. You shut down football it just adds to the frustration, fear, anger, anxiety in this country. Just another piece to the puzzle. You think it is a coincident the PAC12 and the BIG10 are the only ones who have canceled to this point? Many of those states located within those conferences are democratic ran or typically vote democrat. I

Excellent post and a good read sir. For sure, the PAC12 & BIG10 are mostly heavy duty snowflake territory.
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