From the link above:
The e-mails also detail a disturbing and previously unpublicized racial incident that happened on the same floor of the same dormitory that occurred the previous week. According to a dorm hall coordinator, a white dorm resident was the subject of racial slurs.
“We did have another incident that was just reported last week where an intoxicated individual said ‘bitch ass *****’ to a white resident, when having a heated interaction with multiple black residents in the third floor lounge, which is the same floor this bathroom incident happened on,” Gateway Hall hall coordinator Susan Cohn wrote to multiple university officials on the morning of October 24. “The individual that reported said he was offended by this but felt like it was not directed towards him or the other black residents in the lounge.”
If there's anything I hate it's a drunk racist who throws his invective at the nearest person without regard to race. Lazy if ya ask me.