Went on the road and gave us a chance. Defense played well without Henrich and Robinson getting kicked out.
The will (should) win a lot of games holding teams under 300 yards and under 14 points,single high safety
man coverage
all season long
I said this would be the plan and am glad to see Coach White agrees
need to press more on the outside
there are zero quarterbacks on our schedule worthy of an ounce of respect. make them all prove they can beat us.
Yes I thought the Defense was good. But I also was not surprised that the Defense would be ahead of the Offense in the early season. That's normal when you're installing new systems with new coaches and new players.Went on the road and gave us a chance. Defense played well without Henrich and Robinson getting kicked out.
I'm not as high on Ty. I thought Omar Brown looked much improved. Would like to see it from another angle but if Gifford makes that pick, game over.Gunnerson and Ty were the best looking athletes on the field. The D looked fast, tackled well and played a lot of guys. It’s not hard to see a bright future on that side of the ball. The offense on the other hand…..
I'm not as high on Ty. I thought Omar Brown looked much improved. Would like to see it from another angle but if Gifford makes that pick, game over.
I'm not as high on Ty. I thought Omar Brown looked much improved. Would like to see it from another angle but if Gifford makes that pick, game over.
I haven't watched the tape yet, but it didn't seem White dialed up much in the way of unexpected guys blitzing during obvious passing situations. During the Minn/Syracuse bowl game seemed guys were blitzing from all over. Except maybe we tried that early and got burned.