Thoughts on what is happening at MissouriU

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That's rich. Go ahead and point out where I stifled a bit of discussion in the entire thread. I'm perfectly capable of articulating my point of view without resorting to personal attacks or bullying someone. If you want to have a substantive discussion about issues, I'm game. If you want to use labels and deliberately misrepresent what I've said, I'm out.

Didn't you call him a troll? Seems you can dish it out but can't take it. Dead giveaway which way you lean.
I just read a timeline of events published by the student union newspaper (and if I wasn't on a iPad I would link it) that if correct illustrates that Tim Wolfe was much more involved than we are being led to believe. From the papers perspective it sounds like this is a lot more about money than it is about race though race was certainly a component. It sounds from the article like Tim Wolfe had met with the protestors and with the hunger striker and was sympathetic but was unwilling to succumb to their demands (one of which was him stepping down). It appeared the Mr Wolfe was more than willing to continue negotiations. I suspect we are going to learn a lot that is unfavorable about the protesters in the coming days but unfortunately that will be to late for Mr. Wolfe.

There is where you are wrong, we will hear very little to nothing if your events are actually true, and you know what, no white people will riot or demand anyone's head on a platter either.
Here’s the list in its entirety:

1. We demand that University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a hand-written apology to Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demonstrators and holds a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exits, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admits his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.

2. We demand the immediate removal of Tim Wolfe as UM system president. After his removal, a new amendment to thd UM system policies must be established to have all future UM system president and Chancellor positions be selected by a collective of students, staff, and faculty of diverse backgrounds.

3. We demand that the University of Missouri meets the Legion of Black Collegians’ demands that were presented in the 1969 for the betterment of the black community.

4. We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff and faculty of color.

5. We demand that by the academic year 2017-18, the University of Missouri increases the percentage of black faculty and staff members campus-wide by 10 percent.

6. We demand that the University of Missouri composes a strategic 10-year plan on May, 1 2016 that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diversity curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus.

7. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding and resources for the University of Missouri Counseling Center for the purpose of hiring additional mental health professionals, particularly those of color, boosting mental health outreach and programming across campus, increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility of the counseling center, and reducing lengthy wait times for prospective clients.

8. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding, resources and personnel for the social justice centers on campus for the purpose of hiring additional professionals, particularly those of color, boosting outreach and programming across campus and increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility.
glad to see those with little actual power make change ...the Clippers had the chance to make a stand and the blew it
There is where you are wrong, we will hear very little to nothing if your events are actually true, and you know what, no white people will riot or demand anyone's head on a platter either.

As I pointed out in another thread, white people regularly do the same things we call "rioting" when it's done by black people but we simply don't call it rioting when it's done by white people. It's the same dynamic at play where a white kid goes into a black church, shoots the place up because he hates black people, and we don't call it what it is: terrorism. We chalk it up as one deranged individual when we all know full well that had that been a Muslim kid it would have been labeled "terrorism" no questions asked.

Ultimately, when you say something like "and you know what, no white people will riot," why do you think that is? Do you think white people are just inherently less violent? Or, perhaps, do you think that rioting (whatever that really means) is an inevitable action of a group whose grievances are not addressed through political or other non-violent channels? At some point, if your society is not listening to you, what are you supposed to do to get them to do so?
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As I pointed out in another thread, white people regularly do the same things we call "rioting" when it's done by black people but we simply don't call it rioting when it's done by white people. It's the same dynamic at play where a white kid goes into a black church, shoots the place up because he hates black people, and we don't call it what it is: terrorism. We chalk it up as one deranged individual when we all know full well that had that been a Muslim kid it would have been labeled "terrorism" no questions asked.

Ultimately, when you say something like "and you know what, no white people will riot," why do you think that is? Do you think white people are just inherently less violent? Or, perhaps, do you think that rioting (whatever that really means) is an inevitable action of a group whose grievances are not addressed through political or other non-violent channels? At some point, if your society is not listening to you, what are you supposed to do to get them to do so?

Were you the one that tried to relate black and white people celebrating a championship in a street to riots that burn down the protesters own town? Cause if that was you, I tuned you out as soon as you did. Anything you typed after that went in one eye and out the other, because it was beyond silly.

I call the sicko that shot up the church a sicko that deserved to die a horrible death and nobody would ever condone what he did and it was 100% wrong. I don't care if you call it terrorism, not sure I agree but I don't care how you label it. Now, let's hear you call what the Ferguson people did the same thing, over something that turned out to not even be true. "Hands up don't shoot" sure ruined a lot of people lives, let's hear you admit it never happened and was huge waste of resources and set back race relations years in that community I'll be waiting.

I stand by what I said, white people won't riot and burn down Columbia over this, but we have several examples of minorities doing it when they don't get their way. I don't think it's helping your cause to be color blind over this issue, it's happening, frequently. People always have a better choice than to destroy their own town.
Missouri is 1 and 5 in conference. One...and...five. They suck. Turn loose this group of entitlement whiners, and find some damn football players that will 'actually' play football while not worrying about what some dumbass paints on a wall. The redneck may not even attend Mizzoo. Find the racist and beat the hell out of him, but the boss ain't steppin' down to your demands.

Pull the scholarships, boot the malcontents out, no more free chow and entitlements. Form your circular firing squad boys, it's a tough ass world out there...piss on your demands. Maybe the Rev Al will take ya in.

I didn't bother reading some of the links regarding why this situation occurred, and read nothing other than the feces incident and the stopping of the president's car,,,,here's the rest of the story:

1. Supposedly, the student body president, a black man, was called the N word by individuals in a pickup truck....OFF CAMPUS. Nobody was ever identified/caught.
2. Supposedly, one white person called a group of 11 black people from the organization making demands above the N word....1 vs. 11. This one person was never identified/caught.
3. Blacks, finally, after several years, have found that a campus statue of Thomas Jefferson does not allow them to attend class and function in a productive matter. They proceeded to place stick-it notes reading racist, rapist, murderer, etc. on the statue.
4. Lastly, the feces matter with the swastika...again, no offender in custody.

Now we find out today that the organization(what would happen if there were a white organization, or a white only school like some of those black only in the south, or a united white fund...the hypocrisy here is delicious) above would like to have a say, along with the student body and liberal professors, to hire a person of color to more reflect the minority students in attendance.

Liberal policies coming full circle, eating their own.
As I pointed out in another thread, white people regularly do the same things we call "rioting" when it's done by black people but we simply don't call it rioting when it's done by white people. It's the same dynamic at play where a white kid goes into a black church, shoots the place up because he hates black people, and we don't call it what it is: terrorism. We chalk it up as one deranged individual when we all know full well that had that been a Muslim kid it would have been labeled "terrorism" no questions asked.

Ultimately, when you say something like "and you know what, no white people will riot," why do you think that is? Do you think white people are just inherently less violent? Or, perhaps, do you think that rioting (whatever that really means) is an inevitable action of a group whose grievances are not addressed through political or other non-violent channels? At some point, if your society is not listening to you, what are you supposed to do to get them to do so?
As addressed previously, comparing rioting in celebration of sporting events to racial rioting is like comparing rape to consensual sex. Both have elements that are similar but they are nothing alike. Rioting in celebration of sporting events rarely cause any substantive property damage, includes members of all races, is quickly ended and is non-confrontational. Racial rioting as we've seen in Ferguson and Baltimore is primarily limited to one race, frequently causes substantive property damage, is never quickly resolved and is very confrontational (in fact deadly). Your comparison is ludicrous!
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I would also like to hear how a campus that is so racist with a student body and administration that is so racially divided has a black student body president. The student body as reported is 8% black and 80 some percent white yet somehow a person of color was elected student body president. How do we explain this discrepancy? It would appear to me that a rather large portion of the white student body was fairly non-racist!
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I would also like to hear how a campus that is so racist with a student body and administration that is so racially divided has a black student body president. The student body as reported is 8% black and 80 some percent white yet somehow a person of color was elected student body president. How do we explain this discrepancy? It would appear to me that a rather large portion of the white student body was fairly non-racist!

What I find interesting is that Jonathan Butler stated in his CNN interview tonight that he felt "threatened" from the beginning of his freshman year at Mizzou, yet he is now a grad student in his seventh year there. Seems disingenuous to me. I also thought I had read he was originally from Omaha.
Ultimately, it seems incredibly stupid for anyone here to be questioning whether black students attending a university none of us attend have legitimate grievances or are, in fact, engaging in some sort of grand conspiracy to remove the President of the university for no reason whatsoever. None of us have ever walked a mile in their shoes or know what it's like to be a black student at a school in the south. Think about how ridiculous it sounds to hear a white guy in Nebraska say that a black kid at the University of Missouri does not, in fact, experience racism. It's absurd.

On another note, whether you all like it or not, this event is a game changer. Given the priority our society places on sports, the bottomline is that black athletes have tremendous power to effectuate change and I, for one, am glad to see them use it. Imagine if, for instance, LeBron James, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant said that they would not play in the playoffs unless the police departments in their respective cities pledged to have all of their officers wear body cameras. Those police departments would pledge to wear body cameras just as fast as this university president resigned.
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I would also like to hear how a campus that is so racist with a student body and administration that is so racially divided has a black student body president. The student body as reported is 8% black and 80 some percent white yet somehow a person of color was elected student body president. How do we explain this discrepancy? It would appear to me that a rather large portion of the white student body was fairly non-racist!

Everyone knows that bigots vote for people of color. Btw, since when is white (pink actually) not a color? Anyway, that's how Obama got elected. Of course he got electoral votes from 57 states while McCain/Romney only had 50 states to work with. Why the discrepancy? Because affirmative action ruled that was a level playing field.Winking
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Ultimately, it seems incredibly stupid for anyone here to be questioning whether black students attending a university none of us attend have legitimate grievances or are, in fact, engaging in some sort of grand conspiracy to remove the President of the university for no reason whatsoever. None of us have ever walked a mile in their shoes or know what it's like to be a black student at a school in the south. Think about how ridiculous it sounds to hear a white guy in Nebraska say that a black kid at the University of Missouri does not, in fact, experience racism. It's absurd.

On another note, whether you all like it or not, this event is a game changer. Given the priority our society places on sports, the bottomline is that black athletes have tremendous power to effectuate change and I, for one, am glad to see them use it. Imagine if, for instance, LeBron James, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant said that they would not play in the playoffs unless the police departments in their respective cities pledged to have all of their officers wear body cameras. Those police departments would pledge to wear body cameras just as fast as this university president resigned.

Oh I think everyone agrees there is a reason. A very Machiavellian one.
Ultimately, it seems incredibly stupid for anyone here to be questioning whether black students attending a university none of us attend have legitimate grievances or are, in fact, engaging in some sort of grand conspiracy to remove the President of the university for no reason whatsoever. None of us have ever walked a mile in their shoes or know what it's like to be a black student at a school in the south. Think about how ridiculous it sounds to hear a white guy in Nebraska say that a black kid at the University of Missouri does not, in fact, experience racism. It's absurd.

On another note, whether you all like it or not, this event is a game changer. Given the priority our society places on sports, the bottomline is that black athletes have tremendous power to effectuate change and I, for one, am glad to see them use it. Imagine if, for instance, LeBron James, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant said that they would not play in the playoffs unless the police departments in their respective cities pledged to have all of their officers wear body cameras. Those police departments would pledge to wear body cameras just as fast as this university president resigned.
I think if Lebron, Steph and Kevin decided not to play in the playoffs for the reason you describe we would find out how willing their fans were to watch players that didn't feel the need to make political statements. I suspect they would also find that their reputations and marketability were irrepairably damaged. The Missouri players are fairly insulated from damage because no one outside of Missouri knows who they are. In fact I bet the majority of Missouri residents don't know which players were holding them for ransom.
Oh I think everyone agrees there is a reason. A very Machiavellian one.
If the reason is not, "there is a culture of racism on this campus and the President seems utterly unconcerned about it," please enlighten me what the reason is. If nothing else, the incoming President is going to have to take these concerns really seriously if he or she wants to keep the job and my guess is that person will implement some policy changes designed to address these concerns. That's how you change the culture of a university in a meaningful, yet peaceful way.
I think if Lebron, Steph and Kevin decided not to play in the playoffs for the reason you describe we would find out how willing their fans were to watch players that didn't feel the need to make political statements. I suspect they would also find that their reputations and marketability were irrepairably damaged. The Missouri players are fairly insulated from damage because no one outside of Missouri knows who they are. In fact I bet the majority of Missouri residents don't know which players were holding them for ransom.
You are being naive if you don't think that would work. These players--by and large poor and politically unconnected--got the President of a major university to resign within 72 hours of threatening to boycott a game. That's some real power right there and I bet there are a lot of other athletes who are taking note, as they should.

Figures. Top Mizzou Campus Protest Leader and Social Justice Warrior Is Democrat McCaskill’s Intern

The protest leader and social justice warrior Anurag Ram Chandran is a Claire McCaskill intern.
These protests ALWAYS lead to a Democrat’s office. And like any good politician, he successfully exploited the black football players to advance liberal agenda. I wonder if the football players will ever figure out that they have not only been used by the University to benefit the sports based financial gain of the university as well as the liberal agenda of a socialist intern.

How's it feel to be used again boys?

I love it when liberals devour their own. I hope all liberal white professors are replaced by PoC, it's only fair, you well paid, tenured fat cat hypocrites.

The protest leader and social justice warrior Anurag Ram Chandran is a Claire McCaskill intern.
These protests ALWAYS lead to a Democrat’s office.
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You are being naive if you don't think that would work. These players--by and large poor and politically unconnected--got the President of a major university to resign within 72 hours of threatening to boycott a game. That's some real power right there and I bet there are a lot of other athletes who are taking note, as they should.
Perhaps I am being naïve but I suspect this is not a threat that will continue to be effective. The sports world will eventually, likely quickly, refuse to be held hostage by athletes for political gain, especially when the majority of fans don't agree with their demands. I would compare it to the football and baseball strikes of past decades. Tell me again how well that worked out for the athletes.
Liberal policies coming full circle, eating their own.
See Hillary and Her campaign implying that Bernie Sanders is sexist for having the audacity to not take part in her coronation, and not marching lock step with her on gun control...
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Christ this isnt a political issue....Its about a group of students fighting for the right to feel safe on campus. This isnt a Right or Left issue its a basic be decent to all humans issue. I cannot believe some of what I am reading on here, or at least cannot believe that some would be comfortable stating what they are even with fake names.
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If the reason is not, "there is a culture of racism on this campus and the President seems utterly unconcerned about it," please enlighten me what the reason is. If nothing else, the incoming President is going to have to take these concerns really seriously if he or she wants to keep the job and my guess is that person will implement some policy changes designed to address these concerns. That's how you change the culture of a university in a meaningful, yet peaceful way.

I think you've made it clear you think the Mizzou campus = 1950s Mississippi. You're stuck in an echo chamber where perceived slights are the same thing as actual slights. Part of growing up is realizing that the Universe (a.k.a Life) is unfair. I'm not as tall as Michael Jordan or as talented as Tiger Woods or as Rich as Oprah. Should I go make someone completely unrelated to my woes suffer to satisfy a misanthropic urge I have because I convinced myself the world owes me happiness?

These kids are entitlement bullies. Raised by people with a broken moral compass and immediate gratification issues. You think Ben Carson didn't experience worse than what these kids have gone thru? And how did he handle it? With grace, maturity, discipline and fortitude.
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Christ this isnt a political issue....Its about a group of students fighting for the right to feel safe on campus. This isnt a Right or Left issue its a basic be decent to all humans issue. I cannot believe some of what I am reading on here, or at least cannot believe that some would be comfortable stating what they are even with fake names.

You should've read the thread before posting. Maybe watched some of the videos.
be decent and have compassion for others ...keep the right and left leanings to yourselves ...its pretty simple
Melissa Click should be fired by morning. What a moronic wench. I hope to God she has not reproduced. She has already poisoned the weak brains of the kids that will listen to her drivel. Talk about oppression. ....
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From what I have seen with her she comes across as extremely hypocritical in her stance with the media...
They don't want an apology. They want the university president to do his job and condemn racist incidents and make it clear that it's unacceptable -- immediately. What exactly was there to think about? Was it a complex issue? No. If there isn't an immediate response from the top, it's basically ok? It may be an overreaction from the protesters but I think it's great. Love to watch us play football? Then don't allow open racism on your campus. Pretty simple.
no that was a demand, one of the incidents was off campus, just what the hell was he supposed to do about that
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Christ this isnt a political issue....Its about a group of students fighting for the right to feel safe on campus. This isnt a Right or Left issue its a basic be decent to all humans issue. I cannot believe some of what I am reading on here, or at least cannot believe that some would be comfortable stating what they are even with fake names.
You are easily deceived or very naive to believe this is not political.
I watched that video earlier & it seems only some people get rights.
sorry if mentioned already, but ill bet the student news photographer (who appears to be a minority himself) felt pretty unsafe on campus, as well. im glad he stood his ground. we'll all benefit from that.

im willing to listen to their grievances, but what did these people have to hide?
You should be giving that speech to Melissa Click and the people demanding that Tim Wolfe apologize for being white.

How ironic is it that Melissa Click a communications professor at MU is filmed calling for the physical removal of campus reporters. Campus reporters that were in a public area reporting on student involvement. Really makes you wonder what these protesters had to hide!
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