The game is on ESPN News?!?!


Feb 7, 2007
The game is on ESPN News?!?!

I don't know about y'all but ESPN News is not on my sports package and to get it would require an upgrade to another package that includes a bunch of crap I don't want.
The game is on ESPN News?!?!

I don't know about y'all but ESPN News is not on my sports package and to get it would require an upgrade to another package that includes a bunch of crap I don't want.
How badly do you want to watch it? Upgrade for a month.
Guess that's one good thing about the Sports Package of SlingTV
I've been thinking about switching to sling TV for awhile, only thing holding me back now that HBO Now exists is BTN. If BTN offered the online package they do overseas in the U.S., that would be great.

Just going to have to throw down the extra $10 for a month espnews, at least we aren't still in the pay-per-view era.
The game is on ESPN News?!?!

I don't know about y'all but ESPN News is not on my sports package and to get it would require an upgrade to another package that includes a bunch of crap I don't want.

What's your location? Can you go to a local Husker watch site?
I would have thought as a "blueblood program" all our games would be on network at prime time.

11am on ESPN News....Geez man. Probably after the Troy-GA State game and right before Harvard-Princeton. How the mighty have fallen lol...joking. I was shocked it was on ESPN News too.
I just upped the package so I can get it. Was only $10, still will be dropping the extras after the game though, not sure why espnews isn't in the package I have.
I didn't even know they aired games on ESPN NEWS unless they were showing a game waiting for the game before to end on ABC/ESPN/ESPN2. o_O
I just upped the package so I can get it. Was only $10, still will be dropping the extras after the game though, not sure why espnews isn't in the package I have.

You could probably get a ticket to the game for that much. Of course parking anywhere decent is going to be $15-25