We’re hosting a Yahoo Pick 'Em contest for our premium members again this season. You have to be a paying member of HOL/RSS to partake in this and be eligible to win.
We’ve relaunched last season's HOL/RSS groups 1-3. They are private group and are limited to 100 members, so if we fill those 3 groups we will start another group so that everyone who wishes to participate is allowed to join in the fun.
** Be sure that you join and participate in ONLY ONE GROUP!!
We will be picking all of the Top 25 slate of games, as well as all of the Big Ten games, and the Yahoo weekly default of games against the spread.
The top three finishers [and all ties] of all the groups combined each week will have a free month added to their HOL/RSS memberships.
The top three finishers [and all ties] of all the groups combined in the final standings at the end of the season will have a free year added to their HOL/RSS memberships. The rest of the top 10 will get a free month added.
To join up, just go HERE. Then, enter your Yahoo account info at the right, click “Join Group”, and enter the information below:
Group ID# 4486
PW - rss3
***Make sure to use your HOL/RSS user name as your “Pick Set Name” or we won’t know whose account to credit should you win. This is very important! You must also have a Yahoo account to participate.
The contest rules are intuitive and pretty self-explanatory. If you need to refresh your memory of the rules, go to this link for the Pick ‘Em FAQ.
Remember, only our premium membership will be able to participate in this contest and your HOL/RSS user name must be your “Pick Set Name” so that we can identify the winners.
We will post and pin the winners on RSS every week. Good luck to everyone who participates!
The winners [plus ties] last season who each won a free year of their HOL/RSS memberships were:
Tie 1. @gtrain55 183 points [Group 3]
Tie 1. @GBR.NFM 183 points [Group 3]
3. @BigNebraskaFan 182 points [Group 2]
We’ve relaunched last season's HOL/RSS groups 1-3. They are private group and are limited to 100 members, so if we fill those 3 groups we will start another group so that everyone who wishes to participate is allowed to join in the fun.
** Be sure that you join and participate in ONLY ONE GROUP!!
We will be picking all of the Top 25 slate of games, as well as all of the Big Ten games, and the Yahoo weekly default of games against the spread.
The top three finishers [and all ties] of all the groups combined each week will have a free month added to their HOL/RSS memberships.
The top three finishers [and all ties] of all the groups combined in the final standings at the end of the season will have a free year added to their HOL/RSS memberships. The rest of the top 10 will get a free month added.
To join up, just go HERE. Then, enter your Yahoo account info at the right, click “Join Group”, and enter the information below:
Group ID# 4486
PW - rss3
***Make sure to use your HOL/RSS user name as your “Pick Set Name” or we won’t know whose account to credit should you win. This is very important! You must also have a Yahoo account to participate.
The contest rules are intuitive and pretty self-explanatory. If you need to refresh your memory of the rules, go to this link for the Pick ‘Em FAQ.
Remember, only our premium membership will be able to participate in this contest and your HOL/RSS user name must be your “Pick Set Name” so that we can identify the winners.
We will post and pin the winners on RSS every week. Good luck to everyone who participates!
The winners [plus ties] last season who each won a free year of their HOL/RSS memberships were:
Tie 1. @gtrain55 183 points [Group 3]
Tie 1. @GBR.NFM 183 points [Group 3]
3. @BigNebraskaFan 182 points [Group 2]
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