Just got done watching the Showtime documentary on Phillips (think I'm going to give it an immediate second watch) but these are my immediate thoughts.
1. For nearly fifteen years now I have worked in the field of Social Services and Mental Health. I have seen and worked closely with more kids than I can count who have come from physically, verbally and emotionally abusive homes. There are so many of these kids whose parents just want nothing to do with them and are 100% absent from their lives. The long term damage and sense of abandonment this has on a person's life is immeasurable. I'm not saying this to make any excuses or white wash any of Phillips's actions, nor do I have any secret fixes to this problem. But this is a problem in our society that needs to be acknowledged.
2. While there isn't a whole lot of information in this documentary that is new to me I do hope that everyone across the country who has ever spouted off an opinion on LP or Nebraska or Tom Osbourne takes the time to watch it. I know that it is very easy for people to just label LP a thug athlete who deserved to rot in jail (and I'm not arguing he didn't) but it is a far more complicated story than simply that. I know as sports fans (and just consumers in general) it's easy to try to make things black and white and as easily digestible as possible. We're all guilty of worrying about coming up with an opinion and response on any given subject rather than simply listening and understanding. I hope, at the very least this doc gives some a reason to pause and think a little more deeply about this troubled soul than they had previously.
3. Nebraska, and especially Tom Osbourne come off very well in this movie. One can certainly argue if Tom Osbourne did the right thing with LP back in 1995 (and I will still argue that he did). But I don't know how anyone, after watching this can argue that his heart and his intentions weren't always in the right place.
4. I know Nebraska and Armen Keteyian have a history and his involvement in this documentary is the sole reason many former teammates of LP wanted nothing to do with it. I'm sure many of us old timers can remember he was very rough on Nebraska back in the 80's and 90's. But this is not a hit piece. He has so much as said in recent interviews that he has a whole new perspective on Osbourne and his handling of the situation and probably owes him an apology for the things he had previously said. And I will at least give him credit for that.
Again, check it out if you can.