From the Big Red Brunch yesterday.
Fryar’s favorite story of his close friend involved a brief Rozier injury on the field.
“The stadium got quiet — everybody was on pins and needles — and I run over to him,” Fryar said. “‘You all right?’ Now the trainers are out. Mike’s laying down on the ground. ‘Mike, you all right, what’s going on, what wrong?’”
Rozier rolled over.
Yeah, I’m all right. How’s the crowd taking it?
“I’m not lying — I’m literally telling you the truth,” Fryar said. “How’s the crowd taking it!”
Fryar’s favorite story of his close friend involved a brief Rozier injury on the field.
“The stadium got quiet — everybody was on pins and needles — and I run over to him,” Fryar said. “‘You all right?’ Now the trainers are out. Mike’s laying down on the ground. ‘Mike, you all right, what’s going on, what wrong?’”
Rozier rolled over.
Yeah, I’m all right. How’s the crowd taking it?
“I’m not lying — I’m literally telling you the truth,” Fryar said. “How’s the crowd taking it!”