"I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated"

One of the first major concerts I ever saw in Omaha, wasn't a huge fan but was there with the Butthole Surfers. I've probably seen two or three hundred concerts at this point but I still have pretty vivid memories of that one.
I use google news, and if you look up certain people on it, somehow it starts to track them every day, and add stories to google news about them.....

so I looked up scott a few years ago wondering if he ever got straight...

so yesterday I get newstory of scott saying F%#* Islam.
and this morning I got a news story that scott is dead.

I just found it funny..

but Lord be with him, he was a talented singer, when he wasen't all strung out.

drugs are a dead end.
One of the first major concerts I ever saw in Omaha, wasn't a huge fan but was there with the Butthole Surfers. I've probably seen two or three hundred concerts at this point but I still have pretty vivid memories of that one.
I saw them years ago at Rockfest locally. Scott was recently out of prison, and he was a total douche. He got mad and started threatening to rape some dude in the crowd. He proudly stated he just got out of prison. He looked like he could hoola hoop through a cheerio at the time. He then proceeded to sing like crap the rest of the show and they cut their set really short. Luckily 311 played right after them.

He recently played CB with his garage band STP cover band. I heard they sucked, and then read how a bunch of their shows were total crap. I said to a friend if he lives through the year, he would probably be a good pick for somebodys dead pool next year. I guess I was right, except he didn't make it through the current year. What a waste of talent.
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I thought grunge was one of the worst things to happen to music...because it spawned hundreds of the worst bands ever known to bands. But I actually liked a few of STPs song. Interstate Love Song and Big Bang Baby were decent songs.