Randy Gregory

Its absolutely insane how good his NFL career could have been if it weren't for BS rules.

Imma gonna go ahead and lay the blame at Randy's feet for his troubles...

Randy has acted like a total selfish idiot and is very lucky his talent still makes the juice worth the squeeze. That will not last for much longer.
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Imma gonna go ahead and lay the blame at Randy's feet for his troubles...

Randy has acted like a total selfish idiot and is very lucky his talent still makes the juice worth the squeeze. That will not last for much longer.
All I'm saying is that he shouldn't have ever been in trouble for using Marijuana. Absolutely pointless to test for that in his profession.
All I'm saying is that he shouldn't have ever been in trouble for using Marijuana. Absolutely pointless to test for that in his profession.
When the rule went into effect, it had to be agreed to by the players association. Maybe it doesn't apply now but it sure did when he came into the league. He decided he didn't want to live by the rule so he did himself in. No one else did.
When the rule went into effect, it had to be agreed to by the players association. Maybe it doesn't apply now but it sure did when he came into the league. He decided he didn't want to live by the rule so he did himself in. No one else did.
I get that. The problem is that the rule was more harmful than good.
This is where we are now....somebody screws up so much we throw in the towel and just lower the bar. Sweet life lesson. Playing in the league is not a God given right, and he is a total idiot for making the same bad decisions over and over again.
I'm not talking about lowering the bar for everything. What makes his decision to smoke weed bad?
Yeah thats actually the most dumb comparison I have seen. People DIE from speeding and from other people speeding. Randy Gregory smoking some weed and not endangering anyone is not even close. You sound like a liberal arguing that suicide by gun should count as gun violence.
Huh? Liberals are the ones against weed now?

Politics have poisoned reason in America
Huh? Liberals are the ones against weed now?

Politics have poisoned reason in America
I never said anything like that. I was pointing out how his argument is like the argument of a liberal trying to say that suicide by gun is a part of gun violence, like they have been since I've been alive. It is a completely garbage argument no matter what political affiliation.
Imma gonna go ahead and lay the blame at Randy's feet for his troubles...

Randy has acted like a total selfish idiot and is very lucky his talent still makes the juice worth the squeeze. That will not last for much longer.

Actually it will.

His vice is legal now.

Hes not a drug dealer or murderer.

He now has a chance to solidify his and his family's future with a nice contract.
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Imma gonna go ahead and lay the blame at Randy's feet for his troubles...

Randy has acted like a total selfish idiot and is very lucky his talent still makes the juice worth the squeeze. That will not last for much longer.

Putting that funky smell into the air.
Why should he? Because some pre-boomer elitists got the average man to believe that it is the devils lettuce about 100 years ago?
I don’t agree with prohibition of weed, just saying, he could have gotten help and taken it seriously, laid off the weed stayed between the lines and made a lot more $$$$. A little concept called delayed gratification.
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I don’t agree with prohibition of weed, just saying, he could have gotten help and taken it seriously, laid off the weed stayed between the lines and made a lot more $$$$. A little concept called delayed gratification.
He definitely could've done that. It might have even been easy for him. However, I respect him for not following that rule. Where would the USA be if we allowed taxation without representation? We would be called colonials, not Americans. How would civil rights be these days without a brave few who took the risks and broke the rules? Defiance is American af.
could have been worse

He definitely could've done that. It might have even been easy for him. However, I respect him for not following that rule. Where would the USA be if we allowed taxation without representation? We would be called colonials, not Americans. How would civil rights be these days without a brave few who took the risks and broke the rules? Defiance is American af.

yeah, I’m sure he justified his substance abuse as sticking it to the man and being “american af”.

lol wtf
yeah, I’m sure he justified his substance abuse as sticking it to the man and being “american af”.

lol wtf
Idk what his justifications were. Ask Michael Phelps or Usain bolt what theirs were? Where would they be if they had such an unreasonable rule? I rest easy knowing the opinion of the opposition on this matter is a dying one.
I get that. The problem is that the rule was more harmful than good.
Elite athletes should not smoke anything whether it's tobacco or marajuana or whatever else you can put in your pipe and smoke it. I know some do, but to be at your maximum fitness level you should take care of your body, and smoking of any kind decreases lung capacity.
Elite athletes should not smoke anything whether it's tobacco or marajuana or whatever else you can put in your pipe and smoke it. I know some do, but to be at your maximum fitness level you should take care of your body, and smoking of any kind decreases lung capacity.
And it doesn't contribute to your focus, intelligence or motivation.
Elite athletes should not smoke anything whether it's tobacco or marajuana or whatever else you can put in your pipe and smoke it. I know some do, but to be at your maximum fitness level you should take care of your body, and smoking of any kind decreases lung capacity.
You make a valid point. Edibles and tinctures likely take the spot of anything that smokes for professional athletes. Other than MMA fighters because they obviously don't really care about their bodies.