Player Rules?


Recruiting Coordinator
Oct 1, 2011
In the video of DCMB, he mentioned that there were not a whole lot of rules for the players, but the word respect, which got me to wondering...

Can the players that have not played a down of football on game day speak to the media now? Anyone know?

If so, who would you like to hear from that has not played yet?
Originally posted by TwinsRRUs:

Can the players that have not played a down of football on game day speak to the media now? Anyone know?
Great question. My best guess is, it's an athletic department decision or policy of some sort. Off the top of my head, I can't remember anyone talking to the media before they actually played in a game. Even with hoops, when Petteway and Pitchford were sitting out a couple years back I don't recall any interviews with them. And as I type that, I remember this interview with Andrew White last month in the OWH. Maybe they're different since they did play in games. At a different school.
But seriously, I don't know but it's a great question that has my curiosity...
That sounds correct. I think I heard the guys on Sports Nightly a while back say that it is a standing rule throughout the athletic department. But I could have been hearing things.

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