Perlman OWH article

I don't see what he has to gain by making up a story on his way out. I know many fans have a negative impression of Harvey, but I don't think it's all that founded on fact. When things go wrong, we keep pointing higher to find blame. I'm surprised we haven't blamed Obama yet for the football team's failures.
I don't see what he has to gain by making up a story on his way out. I know many fans have a negative impression of Harvey, but I don't think it's all that founded on fact. When things go wrong, we keep pointing higher to find blame. I'm surprised we haven't blamed Obama yet for the football team's failures.
I don't think he is making it up. By why dig up the dead beaten horse if he wasn't going to give a name. Seems like a chicken shit move . That said, Harvey did one hell of a job with academics and helping us get into the big. He should have stayed out of the coaching hiring business though .
If pederson woulda pulled the plug in 02, maybe a lot different turnout. 7-7 was plenty of reason, but trying to replace a 10-3 coach made it too difficult decision for whomever it was.
He's one of the biggest liars of all time. Anything to make hit rat ass look better!
I'm going to guess most of the posters in this thread have no connection to NU except for being fans of the football team. I have had no contact with HP in thirty years, but when I knew him he was a fine man and excellent dean of the college of law. I suppose he could have become the scumbag some of you think he is, but I doubt it.